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Rheinberger Wallenstein

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 26 July 2019, 14:46

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Gareth Vaughan

I have now had an opportunity to listen to both of the available recordings of this work, and I find it really does not merit Dave Hurwitz's dismissive comments, though if he knew only the lacklustre performance on Christophorus/Signum under Nikos Athineos there is some justification for his being underwhelmed. How very much the work comes alive under Florian Krumpock's baton; it makes a significant difference. I shall listen again to this recording.

Mark Thomas

I really must rouse myself and get Krumpock's recording. It clearly breaths life into a work I've always regarded (from Athanaos' rendition) as dull and uninspired.

Alan Howe

To misquote a phrase - When he's good, he's very, very good, but when he's bad, he's horrid...

Mark Thomas

To be fair to the chap, he may well only know the Wallenstein from the Athinaos recording, as I do, and in that it's a pallid, uninspiring thing.

Alan Howe

On the other hand, he's a professional critic and ought to have had the curiosity to investigate the newer recording.

Mark Thomas

Hmm. Anyway, I do agree with you that Krumpock makes a much more convincing case for Wallenstein than does Athinaos.

Alan Howe

If he has room for another CD in his overflow room...