Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 01 June 2019, 08:59

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Gareth Vaughan

Unfortunately, that is one orchestral work of Rheinberger's that I have never heard. I must do so. And I see there are two different performances available on YouTube, so I have no excuse, and will remedy the omission shortly.

Alan Howe

Much the better of the two available commercial recordings is the one on Ars:

Here's the brief thread on that recording from 2019:,7331.msg77280.html#msg77280

This is the YouTube video to watch:
(The Ars recording with the same performers is in much better sound, of course!)

Mark Thomas

IMHO Hurwitz is spot on in almost every respect about Moszkowski's Joan of Arc. He doesn't shy away from the works substantial flaws, and gives Moszkowski credit where it's due.