Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 01 June 2019, 08:59

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... and a superb performance and spacious recording. This is a wonderful issue in every respect.

Alan Howe

I reckon this is a major find. I don't think Martin Anderson always hits the mark in Romantic-era repertoire, but he definitely does here. It also helps to have a very fine orchestra and conductor involved. I just hope that the critics have their listening ears on...


Eh so I'll be the dissenting voice and say I'm not really feeling it. But it's great that it's out there and that there's more to come.

Alan Howe

Fair enough. Any particular reason(s)?

Alan Howe

Any reservation I may have concerns whether this highly attractive and memorable music will 'stay the course'. In other words, has it the depth required to sustain repeated listenings? An hour is, after all, an awfully long time...

Mark Thomas

I have yet to listen to the download I've bought, but I did listen to the full work streamed from the Toccata web site before the recording was released, I must admit that my first impression was of a certain blandness or lack of individuality which its length exacerbated. That said, I was hardly hearing it under optimum conditions, so I'll reserve judgement until I can hear the piece properly.

Alan Howe

The second time I listened I wasn't as impressed. Something to do with the what I think is the work's surface brilliance - which I'm not sure has much substance behind it.


I suppose it just seemed like a reletively typical late romantic piece that had no melodies or orchestration to stand out and make me say "yes, this is something I like".

Alan Howe

Actually, I think the melodies and orchestration are rather attractive - it's the substance that seems to be lacking in my view.

Martin Eastick

Having had the advantage of many repeated listenings of Johanna d'Arc whilst working on the accompanying notes for this release, I have to say that the more I got to actually know the music, the more impressed I became with the content, even allowing for an initial positive bias on my part. Obviously I hope a certain initial positive momentum will continue as I am looking forward with keen anticipation to the forthcoming continuation of the series with the orchestral suites seemingly next on the list......!

Alan Howe

When I listened again I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer ambition and invention of this magnificent score. Kudos to all involved.


Have to say, I am bowled over by the simply gorgeous second movement – that limpid string melody is particularly wonderful. Although some of the writing elsewhere drags a little too much for comfort, it's a work I've been listening to with much enjoyment over the past three weeks. Now listening to the D minor symphony on YouTube, which offers more of the kind of riches on display on Toccata's release.

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Yes, a good and intelligent review from Mr Hurwitz, which ought to win Moszkowski more friends - or at least encourage some who might otherwise ignore him to explore his music. I applaud Hurwitz's opinion of Moszkowski and look forward to what he may have to say about Volume 2.

Alan Howe

He's wrong about Rheinberger's Wallenstein Symphony, though. IMHO.