Gabriel Edouard Xavier Dupont 1878-1914

Started by giles.enders, Wednesday 05 June 2019, 15:09

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Gabriel Edouard Xavier Dupont  Born Caen 1.3.1878  Died  1.8.1914

The son of Achille Dupont an organist, from whom he received his first music education.  He later enrolled at the Paris Conservatoire where he became a pupil of Charles-Marie Widor, Andre Gedalge and Jules Massenet.  He came second in The Prix de Rome, beating Ravel into third place.  He won the prestigious Sonzogno prize in Milan with his first opera, 'La Cabrera'.  For most of his adult life he suffered from ill health (TB) which prevented him taking up any official post.


Hymne a Aphrodite  symphonic poem
Chante de la destinee  symphonic poem  1907   pub. by Heugel & Cie


Peome for piano and string quartet   pub. by Heugel & Cie
Jour de Printemps for violin and piano  1905   pub. by Alphonse Leduc
String quartet


La Maison dans les Dunes  10 pieces;  pub. by Heugel & Cie
1. Dans le dunes
2. Voiles sur l'eau
3. La maison sur du sosouvenir
4. Mon frere le vent et ma soeur la pluie
5. Malancolie du bonheur
6. Le soleil se joue dans les vagues
7. Le soir dans le pins
8. Le briossement de la mer, la nuit
9. Clair d'etoiles
10. Houles
Deux, Air de ballet  1895
Feuillets d'album; Valse, Fughette, Berceuse, Air de danser.   pub. by E Gallet  1897
Les Heures dolentes  14 pieces;  1904
1. Epigraph
2. Le Soir tombe dans la chambre
3. Du Soleil au jardin
4. Chanson de la pluie
5. Apres-midi de dimanche
6. Le Medicin
7. Une amie est venue avec des fleures
8. La Chanson au vent
9. Au coin du feu
10. Coquetteries
11. La mort rode
12.Des enfants jouent dans le jardin
13. Nuit blanche-hallunicasions
14. Calme


Poems d'Automne; ( All symbolist poets)  pub by Astruc et Cie 1904
1.  Si j'ai aime  words by Henri de Regnier
2.  Ophelia   words by Arthur Rimbaud
3.  Au temps de la mort des marjolaines   words by Stuart Merrill
4.  La Fontaine de pitie   words by Henri Bataille
5.  La Neige   words by Paul Verlaine
6.  Le Silence de l'eau   words by Fernand Gregh
7.  Douceur du Soir! words by Georges Rodenbach
8.  Sur le vieux banc  words by leon Dierx

Chansons normandes; Les Marchandes defleurs, Feuilles Morts, Ronde du lilas etde la Rose.  for 2 voices, female choir and piano.  words by Emile Blemont.   pub by Alphonse Leduc
Mandoline  words by Paul Verlaine1901   pub. by Alphonse Laduc
Le Foyer  words by Paul Verlaine   pub. by Alphonse Leduc
Le Jour des Mortes  words by George Vanour   pub. by E Demets
Monsieur Destin  words by G. Vanour
La Chanson de Myrrha  words by F Breissier
A la nuit  words by Auguste Lacaussade
En aimant!  words by Paul Armande Silvestre
Les effarcs  words by Arthur Rimbaud   pub. by E Demets
Crepuscule d'ete  words by C Perin
Chanson des noisettes  words by Tristan Klingsor
2 Melodies words by Jean Richepin
2 poems; Pieusement,  O triste, tritste.   words by Emile Verhaeren & Paul Verlaine  pub. by Heugel & Cie
2 poems;  Chanson, Serenade a Ninon  1910 words by Alfred de Musset   pub. by Heugel & Cie
Les Carless  words by Jean Richepin
Chanson des six petits oiseaux  words by Jean Richepin


Piece en forme de Canon  1897  pub. by Aplhonse Leduc
Elevation  1902   pub. by H.Delpine
Meditation   pub. by Alphonse Laduc
Offertore   pub. by Les Editions Outremontara
Sortie-coral in E major   pub. by H.Delepine

Voice & Orchestra

Clarisse Harlowe  for choir and orchestra
Alcyone - cantata  1902
Hymn to Aphrodite  for choir and orchestra


La Cabrera  1902
La Glu  pub. by Heugel & Cie
La Farce du Cuvier  pub. by Heugel & Ciel
Autar  pub. by Huegel & Cie 1914

Alan Howe


Featuring Peter Sellers, no doubt  ;)


Don't get the Peter Sellers quip but then I was never a fan.

Alan Howe

Apologies, Giles. I was referring to his mangling of English/French in the Pink Panther films - I'm assuming that Peome is a misspelling of 'Poème' - and that Sellers would probably have mis-pronounced it as 'Perme' - as in:

And with that, back to Mr Bridge...


Never seen PP and for the record, I am dyslexit.

Alan Howe


See this: (New)
(Artistically and acoustically of the usual Bongiovanni level, but, at least, it's a live recording of a concert - and not of a staged performance. Singers are rather OK and the chorus is so so la la - The extended liner notes are excellent).

and several other CDs with Dupont's piano music and songs...

His "Poème" (quintet for piano and strings) is a gorgeous and monumental piece. It has an extremely dramatic first movement and is in the style of César Franck's Piano Quintet, but with more daring harmonies. Highly recommendable!

I once recorded his opera "Antar" from Deutschlands Radio Kultur. Can't see it anymore in the downloads archive, but if anyone is interested, I can upload it again. This title is still on cpo's waiting list.

There was already a discussion on this composer in an earlier thread, as far as I can remember.