Emanuel Moór Triple Concerto op. 70

Started by Wheesht, Tuesday 23 July 2019, 09:06

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To compensate for the uncertainty regarding the Moór symphony recording I can 'offer' this link to a concert of the triple concerto op. 70 that will be broadcast on German radio on 8 November and also recorded on CD.

Alan Howe

Great - thank you!

The performers are to be the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern conducted by Pablo González, with the Storioni Trio (Bart van de Roer, piano; Wouter Vossen, violin; Marc Vossen, cello.)

"The trio is a leading expert in the triple concerto repertoire (Beethoven, Casella, Juon, Martinu, Moór, Vorísek)."

Gareth Vaughan

Thank you very much for this encouraging news. Do you happen to know the record label that will release the CD recording? If someone were able to record the broadcast I would be mightily grateful too as I am away that day.


Since the recent recording of the Marteau Violin Concerto with the same orchestra came out on Solo Musica, it might be that same label again, but I have no idea if this is true. I, too will be away on the day of the live broadcast, but I will set my timer and hope my satellite receiver won't let me down. The broadcast will apparently be available for listening (and downloading?) for some time.

Gareth Vaughan

Thank you very much for the information, Wheesht.


Just a reminder that the Moór Triple Concerto can be heard live this Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, on S2 KulturRadio.  Concert begins at 19:00 GMT.

The Storioni Trio and the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern conducted by Pablo González play:

SCHUMANN: Overture to the opera 'Genoveva' op. 81.
Emánuel MOÓR: Triple Concerto for Piano, Violin, Cello and Orchestra op. 70.
SCHUMANN: Symphony No. 3 in E flat major op. 97 'Rhenish'.


Thank you for alerting me to this broadcast.
I have uploaded a 256kbit cable recording.
Please inform me if you should notice dropouts or skips. This happens sometimes when I record via cable. Alternatively I could upload a recording of the internet stream.

Alan Howe

Thanks very much indeed for this upload. Comments to follow...


Most enjoyable I thought. The small audience sounded pretty enthusiastic too. Many thanks for that!

Mark Thomas

Thanks very much for uploading this work - there are no drop outs in the recording btw. It's an interesting piece, and Moór certainly does a convincing job of combining the trio and the orchestra. I thought that the most successful movement was the combined slow movement and finale, the transition between the two being superbly managed. Overall, on first acquaintance not as immediately arresting a work as the first two movements of the Second Symphony, but a worthwhile one which I suspect will reward repeated hearings. The four movements are:

I. Allegro, molto moderato
II. Intermezzo (Allegro moderato)
III. Adagio [attacca]
IV. Allegro con brio

The piano trio + piano reduction of the score is available at IMSLP.

Alan Howe