Myaskovsky Symphonies (complete) on Alto

Started by eschiss1, Wednesday 14 August 2019, 05:24

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The Myaskovsky symphonies cycle will be available again from Alto as of early September from Presto Classical, I see.

M. Yaskovsky

For the Myaskovsky set Prestoclassical claims "The complete legendary set, very well-filled discs, BUT using the Olympia masters, plus their ground-breaking expert music notes within 36PP book !" I wonder if I should replace the Warner set for this new one. True, if the liner notes are by the eminent musicologist Per Skans there's some truth in the claim, but will de Olympia masters sound better than the Warner set?

Alan Howe

Personally speaking, I'd have to sample before I ordered. I certainly won't be replacing my Warner box. I'll also hazard a guess that they'll be CD-Rs.


Any reason to assume CDRs? I recently got the new re-releases of Atterberg on Alto and it's pressed.

Alan Howe

Oh, that's good news. My mistake. It's just that my CD player refused to load/play a recently purchased Alto CD of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas...


I'm dumb, the Atterberg is on Danacord. Dunno why I thought it was Alto....I guess because it was a reissue and the somewhat cheap looking art.

Alan Howe

I agree about the artwork, though - puts me right off Alto CDs.

John Boyer

So, was the Alto set pressed or was it CDR?

Alan Howe

I don't know. I guess the only way to find out would be to contact Alto:


I have both the Warner set and the Russian Disc version... both of which have sparse liner notes.... hmm  don't know if Ill add to the collection.


I downloaded the Alto set complete a few years ago (this would be US$8 now, I forget what it cost me then) and the included PDF of liner notes, which were not sparse :) (ok, compared to the notes I've seen attached to a good opera-libretto-containing set of notes, some Donemus sets and some Bach cantata sets - e.g. - not as detailed as -those- (and yes, the more the merrier...), but not sparse, either.)

Alan Howe

The question remains, though, whether the Alto set is on CD-Rs...


they advertise the product as CDs... on amazon... amazon will indicate if CDR  vs  CD

Alan Howe

Really? I'm not sure about that. Someone needs to find out for sure.

John Boyer

Amazon does not distinguish between CD and CDR.  All the labels that market CDRs continue to list them as CDs, which was discussed at length on the CDR thread.