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Gomes Lo Schiavo

Started by Alan Howe, Saturday 24 August 2019, 22:19

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I'm impressed with Bru zane, their standards seem thankfully quite high. They're doing a great job unearthing rare french operas, a particular favourite of mine is Gounod's Le Tribut Zamora and Saint-Saen's Ascanio on B records.

Alan Howe

You're right. But they're probably spending rather more money...


This is quite lovely. Very melodic and richly orchestrated. It's nicely dramatic in a Verdian vein I'd say(nothing wrong with that in fact it helps the work). I found it a better work than Il Guarany. Decently sung and conducted too. I'm greatly impressed with the work, I look forward to further listens.

Alan Howe

I'm still unsure whether to buy this on account of the very provincial singing. Try track 12:

Mark Thomas

I think the trick with so many of these recordings of unsung operas is to enjoy them for what they are, rather than pine for what they might have been. Surely it's better to have something than nothing, and that really would often be the alternative.

Alan Howe

The problem for me is simply this: I'd listen to it once to find out what it's like and then never listen to it again because of the singing. As I said: try track 12. If you dare!

Mark Thomas

It's an irritation I appreciate, but I suppose you'll just have to be grateful for the ability to sample extracts online and resign yourself to more disappointment, as I doubt we'll see that many unsung opera recordings released with all high-ability casts.  For myself, I'd prefer a cup half full to no cup at all.


QuoteI think the trick with so many of these recordings of unsung operas is to enjoy them for what they are, rather than pine for what they might have been. Surely it's better to have something than nothing, and that really would often be the alternative.

QuoteIt's an irritation I appreciate, but I suppose you'll just have to be grateful for the ability to sample extracts online and resign yourself to more disappointment, as I doubt we'll see that many unsung opera recordings released with all high-ability casts.  For myself, I'd prefer a cup half full to no cup at all.

Yep, I agree with this. I'm just grateful that I'm able to experience such obscure works while I'm still alive, I'm not getting any younger, bad performances or not.

Alan Howe

I guess it's the level of irritation that decides here. For me to cast such dreadful singers is inexcusable.