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British Library Scores

Started by John H White, Sunday 24 October 2010, 22:07

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John H White

Some time back, some Forum members mentioned the existence of scores of some of Franz Lachner's symphonies in the archives of the British Library. However, I've forgotten the procedure for ordering copies, so could someone please take me through the process and perhaps give me an idea of how much it is likely to cost me.


Just a little bit of advice John, I always ask for A3 paper copies. There is no difference in the price and A4 might look very cramped for a symphony.

I would not even dream of asking for any digitalised images as they are not very good at it. If you want anything digitalised, order the A3 copies and i will happily do it for you.



Quote from: thalbergmad on Sunday 24 October 2010, 23:25

I would not even dream of asking for any digitalised images as they are not very good at it.
Maybe they should borrow U Rochester/Sibley or Munich/BSB's fine scanning techs. ... right, then again, I could wish they'd start taking that wonderful collection of theirs and start putting some of it online for free as those (and certain other) libraries do too. If wishes were fishes- again sorry about tangent.


There is more chance of the coalition reducing the foreign aid budget than that happening.


John H White

Many thanks, Thal & Eschiss, for all your help. I seem to remember, on a previous thread, that it was much cheaper to get scores from them on CD or DVD. However, from what you have said now, it would seem that "cheap" must be equated with "nasty".

John H White

I've just been looking at their price list. Am I right in assuming that they charge something between around £30 and £50 per page? If so, I shall definitely need to win the National Lottery before I can proceed further! ::)


John, some of the prices are that expensive if you want high quality digital images. For scores, paper copies will suffice, so you can have 1 - 100 pages for £30.


John H White

Thal, forgive me for being a bit thick in my old age, but does that mean £30 a page or up to 100 pages for £30 altogether?


£30 is the minimum charge and will be sufficient for anything between 1 to 100 pages as long as the scores you require share the same shelfmark. This is why i try to restrict my orders to the British Library to larger scores as a 7 page score will cost you the same as a 77 page score.

If you wanted 4 scores totalling 90 pages and all had the same shelfmark, the cost would be £30, but if the shelfmarks were all different, it would be £120 and so on.

I am probably not explaining this very well.


John H White

Many thanks Thal, I get the idea now. No doubt the shelf marks refer to where the originals are situated in the library.
Its certainly very re-assuring to know that I wouldn't have to pay around £30 per page! I've now provisionally registered with them, so that I can quote a reader's number when I access their catalogue. I shall need to get what I want from them before January, when my temporary registration runs out and the VAT goes up! Once again, many thanks for all your help.


Quote from: John H White on Tuesday 26 October 2010, 08:00
Many thanks Thal, I get the idea now. No doubt the shelf marks refer to where the originals are situated in the library.
Its certainly very re-assuring to know that I wouldn't have to pay around £30 per page! I've now provisionally registered with them, so that I can quote a reader's number when I access their catalogue. I shall need to get what I want from them before January, when my temporary registration runs out and the VAT goes up! Once again, many thanks for all your help.
Shelf mark information can also be found in the British Library online catalog ( toward the end of a listing - so the first thing to turn up under Moscheles (a Kistner score of op111) has shelf marks Film Box MUS1323 DSC and Wf85/1738 DSC .


Quote from: John H White on Tuesday 26 October 2010, 08:00
I shall need to get what I want from them before January, when my temporary registration runs out and the VAT goes up! Once again, many thanks for all your help.

I have never registered myself and it is not a requirement to be able to order copies from them. I used to be a member many years ago, but that has long expired.

Happy hunting.


John H White

I've now taken a chance and ordered the set of parts for Lachner's 6th symphony on A3 as you suggested and am just hoping my credit card will stand it! Thanks very much, Thal, for all your help.