New recording? of Rubinstein piano sonatas

Started by eschiss1, Saturday 25 January 2020, 03:25

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Naxos is launching, it seems, a new 2-disc cycle of Rubinstein's piano sonatas, starting with nos. 1 & 2 (issued today, according to Presto, coupled with 3 serenades for piano Op.22 published in 1855*), played by Han Chen. (Naxos 8.573989.)

*Naxos' and Chandos' notes have composed 1855. Sitsky's notes have "?". I'm going with Sitsky's notes, which presumably have researched the matter rather than possibly just relied on the publication date as a stamp of composition date or relied on someone else who foolishly (I want to say something a tad stronger) did so. It may have been first published -before- 1855, in fact, since the "1855" date is from Hofmeister, and the work might have been published in Russia, e.g., at an at least slightly earlier date, after all...)
(Released this month, recorded back in July 2018.)