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Warren Cohen & Reinecke

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 11 February 2020, 05:09

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Two years ago mentioned Warren Cohen and his orchestra's YouTube channel and that nothing had been posted there in awhile. I see now that this has changed, and that there is a video of what's described (on another page) as the US premiere of Reinecke's Håkon Jarl symphony (no.2, 1874- recorded several times, I know, but US premieres are still interesting) from 11 months ago - here.


I was at that concert. And about 30 other people in the audience sorry to say.

Alan Howe

I would love to have been there. What a wonderful occasion - and performance.

Alan Howe

QuoteReinecke's Håkon Jarl symphony (no.2, 1874- recorded several times, I know...

Unless I've missed a truly ancient - or obscure - release, No.2 has only been recorded once (Shelley/Chandos). Mr Cohen's performance is therefore doubly welcome.


I was confused by the pleasant-to-note but surprising existence of multiple recordings of #s 1 and 3- my mistake!

Alan Howe

What a shame! Thought I might have missed something.


In re just the symphony, see on Twitter a teaser video suggesting that an orchestra in Jakarta has or will be performing this symphony too- good on them. (I wonder about performances of Reinecke's choral-orchestral Hakon Jarl... which may be a wholly different work, dunno, but now I know of it I admit I'm curious!!)

Alan Howe

QuoteReinecke's choral-orchestral Hakon Jarl..

It's his Op.142 and it's for contralto, tenor and baritone soloists, men's chorus and orchestra.


Hrm. I can turn up recordings of the Smetana, the Emil Hartmann, and of Reinecke's symphony, but now I wonder if the other Reinecke Hakon Jarl has been recorded (yet?) - well, anyway. Thanks! (and confusingly, JPE Hartmann's opera Hakon Jarl, the overture to whose 2nd act is, like Emil Hartmann's symphonic poem Hakon Jarl, each composer's Op.40.)


Off-topic I know, sorry, but as far as I know JPE Hartmann's Hakon Jarl is a stand-alone overture to Adam Oehlenschläger's spoken-word tragedy. I don't think Hartmann wrote any opera on the topic. And now of course back to Reinecke.


Alan Howe

The choral Hakon Jarl (of Reinecke) has certainly never been recorded.