Bristow orchestral music coming from New World Records

Started by edurban, Tuesday 12 August 2014, 01:32

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I got my copy about ten days ago, from New World Records direct (I try to order from the record companies themselves if at all possible), and I absolutely agree that this is a marvellous recording of really attractive and interesting music that I will return to again and again.

Mark Thomas

That pesky download link still isn't working, so yesterday I listened to Karl Krueger's old LP of the Jullien Symphony with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. What a fine, individual Germanic symphony it is, and the idiom is quite current for 1853. I had forgotten quite how interesting a composer Bristow was. I'm really looking forward to hearing this new performance.


I have to echo the others, this is a fantastic disc full of great tunes and other mid-romantic goodness.


Today I discovered the 2nd symphony by Bristow - a real treasure for me (movements 1,3, and a fantastic Finale! ). I must explore more of this for me so far unknown American composer ! Even here in this forum he doesn't seem to be covered adequately...
