Korngold Das Wunder der Heliane - New York 2019 - Live Stream

Started by brendangcarroll, Thursday 02 April 2020, 09:14

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The NEW YORK production of Korngold's Das Wunder der Heliane (the US premiere from last August) is available on LIve Stream until next Wednesday.

See link below


For those who missed it...


Alan Howe

Thanks, Brendan.

Unfortunately, this production - as with so many in this corner of the repertoire - features a seriously overparted tenor, this time in the form of Daniel Brenna, one of poor casting decisions which spoilt the final instalment of the largely excellent Hong Kong/Naxos Ring cycle.

I'm sure, though, that on the whole it will give listeners much pleasure and it's great that we can experience the whole opera in this way. Just don't expect top-flight singing of the sort we might have experienced in previous generations.


I agree of course but as someone who couldn't attend this production because of the high costs involved, I was very glad to have the opportunity of seeing it, especially for free!

I'm afraid we are not going to experience a Kiepura/Lehmann type partnership again so we must accept what is available until such voices return......

Alan Howe

We have a few capable tenors - e.g. Stuart Skelton, Jonas Kaufmann - but the heart of the problem is (a) the poor teaching of sound vocal technique and (b) the pushing of voices beyond their natural capabilities.

I'm sure, though, that this production will be much enjoyed.


What exactly do you find "capable" with Jonas Kaufmann? A mediocre voice with really bad vocal technique. I (and all of my opera friends with hearing) avoid this "singer" whenever I can (and here in Vienna we have way too many opportunities to avoid him) - I have had enough sore throat from hearing him for the rest of my life.

Alan Howe

I'm aware that his voice divides opinion. At least, however, he is steady and powerful. Ralph Moore, an impeccable and fair-minded vocal critic, says of his Italian Singer in Rosenkavalier:

Just as impressive is Jonas Kaufmann's preening Italian singer, effortlessly delivering an impassioned account of  the retrospective aria in that wonderfully virile, baritonal tenor.

Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcokTlelEiA - sounds pretty fabulous to me!

My model in the heavy German repertoire is actually Stuart Skelton.

Alan Howe


"...here's a young tenor who can sing this sort of thing:"

Well, I must say I had a laugh, remembering your dismissive comments about Brian Jadge in Das Wunder der Heliane....
Talking about limits here.... Support, intonation, pushy high notes, bad taste throughout...

If at least you'd talked about THIS guy, I would have understood better :

Alan Howe

Well, the Kaufman post was a little tongue-in-cheek - hence the (!) But I don't hear any of the faults you describe. The voice is even throughout and there's not a hint of wobble or strain. Yes, he's too loud, but better that than anything the consistently overparted Jagde has to offer.

I agree, though, Santiago Ballerini is very fine. But you won't catch him singing the heavy German repertoire, which was kind of the point...

I was thinking more along these lines:
or even:

But certainly not the strangulated, wobbly Jagde:
Oh dear.