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Potter Symphony No.1 etc.

Started by britishcomposer, Friday 03 April 2020, 09:59

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I received it yesterday, and I am in the middle of the second listening session.
This is one hell of a cd.
The smaller pieces are tremendous , high-quality fun ( in particular, the Ouverture is just gorgeous) and the symphony I just love...I think a lot of Potter's music sounds (mostly presciently) like what we now define as Schumannian, and this aspect is very strong dramatic and stormy.
The syncopated "hiccups" at the beginning sound like a teaser trailer for Schumann's first. (15 years before!)
It's also fantastic to have a professional band (and a very good one) like the BBCNOW doing justice to this music.
Don't get me wrong : i treasure and I am very grateful for the Davan-Whetton cd but admittedly the good people of Milton Keynes could be quite wiry and scrawny.
It's just too bad the cd does not bear a "vol.1" on the cover..

Gareth Vaughan

The CPO recording is not, I think, the same G minor symphony as that recorded by Davan Whetton and The Milton Keynes Orchestra. That is the 1832 G minor symphony, styled No. 10 on that disk but which should probably be renumbered as No. 6 (please correct me if I am wrong).


No, it's not the same, the one on cpo is a much earlier one, I was just referring to the general performance standards of the regrettably scarce Potter symphonies recordings.

Gareth Vaughan

Alan Howe

Wow! Hyperdanny is right: this is some recording of Potter's music. I put this down to two factors: firstly, the fiery, committed conducting of Howard Griffiths and secondly, the superlative playing of the BBCNOW who give the music the sort of weight that is so often lacking in music of this period, especially when played by smaller ensembles. The recording quality is also entirely fitting - clear, but with enough resonance to ensure that the music emerges with real stature.

These performances were recorded roughly two years ago. It is greatly to be hoped that there will be further releases of Potter's music from this distinguished team.

This ought to be an award-winning CD. It's that good.

Mark Thomas

That's very encouraging Alan. Thanks, I'll look forward to the download becoming available and I can retire my old radio recording of the symphony.


Don't know if anyone has mentioned that cpo CD 555274-2 of Potter's Symphony 1, Cymbeline Overture, and Introduzione e Rondo for piano and orchestra (1827) is coming out on April 30.  Performers are the BBC Nat. O of Wales conducted by Howard Griffiths, with Claire Huangci on piano.

Alan Howe

Thanks, Eric, for pointing out to pianoconcerto the existence of this thread on the new Potter CD.

pianoconcerto: I have merged your post with the existing thread.


Well, with those comments this has to go to the top of the 'must buy' list! I had no idea that the BBCNatOrchWales is so good.

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteI had no idea that the BBCNatOrchWales is so good

As a Welshman, I must bristle and ask: "Why wouldn't they be?!"


I see this may be hearkening back to a discussion back 8 or 9 years ago in our Downloads Discussion Archive (1 June 2012) on this point...


Oh no reason at all, Gareth.  ;D With their pedigree they should be among the best, and it seems they are on top form for this Potter recording.

Alan Howe

Re. the BBCNOW - an excellent band: I may have expressed some doubts in relation to their planned cycle of Franz Schmidt symphonies, but only in comparison with the world-class orchestras that have recorded Schmidt's music, such as the Vienna Philharmonic, Berlin Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, etc.


it must be said that the average level of the various BBC orchestras is generally very high, notwithstanding what David Hurwitz (in smartass mode) likes to say about the BBC Philarmonic.
To find something on the same level, there's only the German radio orchestras.

Gareth Vaughan

I have it on good authority that CPO intend to continue the Potter orchestral recordings (symphonies in particular) and are "in discussion with the artists" about future disks.