Suk Asrael Symphony x2 from Hrůša

Started by Alan Howe, Wednesday 04 March 2020, 23:21

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QuoteFibich never wrote anything of the originality and 'profile' of Asrael.

Oh yes he did. Its called The Bride of Messina. According to Grove online its the greatest 19th century Czech tragic opera, which I tend to agree with John Tyrell.

Alan Howe

Thanks for the tip. I haven't played that opera in years. Back soon...


I don't think you'll like it... it's all declamation, which doesn't bother me at all. I enjoyed the CPO release which was released a while back to.

Alan Howe

I have the classic Supraphon recording from 1975. We'll see...

Alan Howe

...which is brilliantly cast - such that listening is a pleasure in itself. And it's a fine opera, I agree. What I don't really sense, though, is a recognisably personal musical style - and it's not exactly chock-full of memorable material as with the great operas. It also seems to me to fall between the two stools of Wagner and a fully national style. But it's a significant achievement which I'm pleased to have re-acquainted myself with. Thank you!


I'm very happy to hear that! I like nothing better than converting people over to became Fibich fans. Next up: Sarka. Eva Urbanová is in resplendent form as Sarka(pronounced SHAAR-KA) on Orfeo...

Alan Howe

I already have that. We'll see...

Meanwhile, back to Suk.

Alan Howe