Reinecke Orchestral works vol.1

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 27 April 2020, 22:20

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Alan Howe


Lovely. I have a special affection for Reinecke. I've strangely never listened to his 3 symphonies. I finally began to appreciate his flute concerto on a earlier CPO, hopefully this new release turns out well too.

Alan Howe

No.1's early and not that interesting, but No.3 is a superb late-ish work (composed 1894), thus post-dating Brahms' symphonies.


Nice. I seem to recall reading somewhere his second symphony has programmatic elements? something like a symphonic poem... or am I mixing up with someone else?


correct : the 2nd bears the subtitle "Hakon Jarl" and it refers to an obscure (or, at least, forgotten) Norwegian historical tragedy.
But it's nothing like programmatic music, Reinecke said it himself, and for all the world it just sound like a very high-quality "absolute" symphony of its time.
It's actually my favorite..and I have a deep aversion to symphonic poems as a form.
Very excited about what appears to be a new cycle...for 2&3 the Chandos release (good, but not stellar IMHO) has lonely carried the burden of catalogue representation for 20 years!



Both of Reinecke's Håkon Jarl (symphony and choral ballad) and Smetana's too, probably refer ultimately to Håkon Sigurdarson, ruler (for all intents etc) of Norway from about 975 to 995, via a play by the at the time (Romantic, not Medieval) better-known poet Adam Oehlenschlager. (Some of whose stuff I've seen mentioned before- Nielsen's Aladdin op.34, eg, is music to one of his plays.)

M. Yaskovsky

Rather strange 'Orchestral Works vol.1'... cpo already has Symphony nr.1 on cd and years ago the 4 pianoconcertos were released (1994?). Are they starting all over again?

Alan Howe

Maybe the series will be 'orchestra only'...


More Reinecke the better if you ask me.

Alan Howe

Alan Howe


Alan Howe

My copy of the new cpo recording has apparently been sent by jpc, but the CD has now been pulled from their website. It's the same with the release of Emilie Mayer's Symphonies 1 & 2. Wonder what's going on?


Must be something to do with covid-19, the whole world seems in daze right now.