Reinecke Orchestral works vol.1

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 27 April 2020, 22:20

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Alan Howe

OK, message received loud and clear!

Please do post your assessment of the new cpo release, though, if you've ordered it...


With all respect, I do not understand why we should not mention anymore DH: we may not agree with his opinions, or even dislike his sometimes abrasive manner, but he is a serious and respectable critic.
And he's one that actually listens to, and reviews,  the unsungs, something that for example the Gramophone luminaries do not often deign to do.
Once he totally thrashed, on the grounds of being third rate, downright bad music, a release that I love very much (the Rabaud symphony by Timpani)..I read it, I said well, I do not agree at all, and went on enjoying it like before.
What's the problem?
Or should we just quote those who agree with us?


Hear Hear to this.  The retreat into echo chambers in which only like-minded opinions are heard lies at the root of much of what is wrong today.  See "no-platforming" and "safe spaces" at universities.  Don't be afraid of different opinions even when abrasively or caustically expressed.  They are just words.

Mark Thomas

Because this is a thread about Reinecke, not Hurwitz. There's already another thread (about Korngold's Symphony) with several Hurwitt related posts. Start a Hurwitt-focused thread by all means.

Alan Howe

Hurwitz is only relevant here if he happens to review this new release. Otherwise let's stick to the release itself, as Mark says.


what I meant, anyway, was please? stop quoting DH's reviews if one feels one knows in advance he will not provide insight into the matter -at hand- (and as has proven the case here.) In cases where he has something to say, sure. Otherwise- well, with Hanslick, Hiller- the invective was often joined to content...

Alan Howe

OK, and with that, back to Reinecke - and this absolutely superlative new release. Which probably no-one else has heard yet...


message received and agreed, I was just making a general point to a discussion (admittedly, partly OT) already underway.
Back to the had a quite peculiar privilege..get a cd for the absolute first..and then it's taken out from sales for a while!
You seem very happy with would you compare it to the Shelley, in I may ask?

Alan Howe

The cpo is superior to Shelley in every way - performance, recording, playing - everything. Of course, we don't have Symphony No.2 from cpo yet, but that would be the only reason (for the time being) to hang onto the Shelley.


thank you..mouthwatering, indeed...

Alan Howe

The cpo's an adrenalin-rush compared to previous releases.

It's now in stock and for sale at jpc:


Wait, was it originally symphonies 1 & 3 or is this a repackaging? :)


that is strange... wonder what happened......  I am headed back to Germany for an assignment  will see what I can find in Berlin.

Alan Howe

I don't understand your question, Eric. If you look back at my opening post you'll see that this release was always supposed to include Symphonies 1 and 3. I may have confused things by concentrating on Symphony 3, i.e. the main work on the CD, but Symphony No.1 was always part of the package, as were the additional orchestral items (which I failed to mention - apologies).
