Franz Lachner on Musica Bavarica Label

Started by EarlyRomantic, Thursday 13 May 2021, 20:36

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Alan Howe

Gareth is correct, as this confirms (see faint print above 'Sinfonietta Riga / Claus Efland'):

Here's the work by Ignaz Lachner, for those interested:

terry martyn

A bit of a coincidence, as  this CD is on top of tomorrow´s ´to play´pile.  There´s a pretty good programme on this disc, although, not surprisingly,the Danzi comes out on top, in my view.
By the way, I had better put my thoughts on the harp concerto on the Recordings site when DHL deliver it.........



Not a mistake, Adriano. They were stingy with the name "Ignaz" on that site. I believe most of us, on seeing the name Lachner, would instantly think of Franz, not Ignaz or Vincenz.

terry martyn

Adriano was right all along about the bassoon concertino, now about to be released on cpo. See the new Lachner thread on Recordings and Broadcasts.


I'm REALLY confused. Here is one of two pieces (from Kronseder's 1903 bio), not just one- the other is from 1856, by the way, so FPL was alive and could have corrected it- of online evidence that Franz Lachner wrote a bassoon concertino in 1826. Were the two different authors -both wrong- and the concertino in question was actually Ignaz's? I assume the concertino on cpo falls under the interdict one way or the other.


also, I looked in the recordings & broadcasts thread. Adriano gave no reason to doubt the authenticity of Kronseder or the earlier bio's attributing a 1826 bassoon concertino to Franz Paul Lachner, so I'm still confused. (Yes, if it turns out to be Ignaz's bassoon concertino and that work is authentically Ignaz Lachner's, then my mistake...)

