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Bernhard Scholz – Symphony No 1

Started by Reverie, Saturday 04 July 2020, 22:28

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Completed most likely in 1883 soon after Scholz took over from Joachim Raff at Breslau. A performance at Crystal Palace makes a passing refernce to this. A Leipzig performance certainly took place in 1886.

Bernhard Scholz (1835-1916) belonged to the circle of Brahms, Joachim and Clara Schumann, and was among those who signed the famous manifesto of March 1860 against the New German School. Bernhard worked assiduously to promote the works of Brahms whose influence is evident in his compositions.

Scholz's first symphony achieved fruition at about the time of Brahms' third symphony. From the outset of the first movement it exudes a Brahmsian feel but in the development section and recapitulation a more individual stamp is affirmed, at times intensley passionate.

Bernhard Scholz is one of my top three unsung composers and I look forward to exploring more of his forgotten work.

Here is a realisation of the first movement.

Mark Thomas

Thanks very much for this. A small, and not ungrateful, correction: Scholz replaced Raff as director of the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt, not Breslau.

Alan Howe

Just returned to this: what a fine movement! Any chance of working on the remainder of the symphony?

I'm sure someone would be interested in performing such an involving, indeed passionate symphony. It reminds us how much really good music is overshadowed by the 'repertoire' composers. And by the way, I think the similarities with Brahms are largely superficial; this is the work of a confident, independent-minded composer.

Wikipedia article on Scholz here:


Oh most certainly. It's been on the back boiler for a while.

I've also started working on the second symphony (1896) The opening of the last movement is extremely moving guaranteed to move the most hardened of spirits!

It's odd. When working on Scholz's music I have to take longish breaks from it as it's quite demanding. Then, when I come back to it I think my G** this is actually very good stuff.

Anyway onwards and upwards as they say.

Alan Howe

I'm sure we're not only grateful for your sterling efforts but also for the actual quality of the renditions you produce.

Mark Thomas

I heartily concur on both counts, we're all very much in your debt, Reverie.




All four movements of the 1st Symphony now complete:)

I have created a playlist which can be found here:

Mark Thomas

Oh, wonderful! Thanks so very much. It's a really fine romantic symphony, a vigorous, confident, thematically strong work with plenty of variety and just the right length. Perhaps just a little dated for 1883, but that needn't bother us now. I'm very pleased to get to know it in such a convincing realisation.

Alan Howe

I've sampled the finale and am looking forward to hearing the remainder of this fine work in such a fine realisation. Thanks in advance...

Mark Thomas

I'd put it on a par with Reinecke's later symphonies both in stature and style. Impressive.

Alan Howe

I'd certainly put it on a par with Reinecke in terms of quality and conservative orientation, but I find Scholz rather heavier.

Mark Thomas


It's fine music indeed. Was your realisation completed in NotePerformer?