Schreker Complete Orchestral Works vol.1

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 10 July 2020, 09:56

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QuoteAh.  So, if it's not worth *your* time, surely it's not worth ours.

Maybe for me it's combination of poor eyesight, bad translation, and being dumb is the reason I find it frustrating.

Alan Howe

Just click on 'Vorschau'! How hard can it be?

And with that, back to the Schreker release.


Thank you Alan for this splendid news. A new Schreker series is very welcome indeed.

Alan Howe


The CD comes up with some rarities.
The very elaborate liner notes are by Eckhardt van den Hoogen - who also adds an introductory "personal note", making up 2 of 9 pages of a microscopically set text.
(I shouldn't criticise, since some of my Fritz Brun notes are also quite long - but this is the case of a totally unknown composer, not a quite well-known one like Schreker - on which already many books and tons of essays have been written).

Incidentally, it took 6 years for this cpo CD to be issued!

Alan Howe

Hi Adriano: you'll see that I've merged your post with the existing thread on this subject.

I have the new CD. It's not all that special, in my view - especially that dreary torso of a symphony. The orchestra's OK, but you really need a top-notch band to do this music justice.


Thanks, Alan, sorry I did not find this older thread at first :)
I am quite disappointed by this rather uninspired CD too.
The performances are well done, but everything has no real athmosphere... In the "Birthday of the Infanta" Suite I miss the necessary Jugendstil, magic and transparence. It all sounds rather rough and in various places the sound balance of some instrumental groups sounds very odd...

Alan Howe

I don't think the Sloane/Bochum combination is up to the job. A rather uninspiring release.


I am also rather disappointed by the CD. Technically, everything sounds ok, but there is a COMPLETE lack of atmosphere. E.g. the great "Festwalzer" does not at all sound like (the ironic version of) an opulent Viennese waltz, but more like a quite reserved English waltz.