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Cui - Ivan the Simpleton

Started by Christopher, Thursday 30 July 2020, 18:30

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Cesar Cui's fairytale opera for children Ivan the Simpleton ("Ivanushka-Durachok") has just been released by Aquarius-Classics.  It is actually a recording from 1949 though I presume it has not previously been released.  You have to buy directly from Aquarius, via messaging them (address on the website) and then paying by paypal. I've just ordered mine, $13 including postage (I've bought from them before with no issues).

(This recording was previously mentioned here -,6304.msg70895.html#msg70895)

Synopsis and history of the opera here -

Mark Thomas

Please let us know what's like, and in particular the quality of the recording, once your copy arrives.

Alan Howe

You can sample three tracks at the Aquarius website...


What a shame I have sensitive ears so this is probably not for me. All these old Russian recordings have awful sound in my experience.

The only opera I of his is a feast in the time of the plague, which is pretty relevant now, but have none others. Is there any more operas,  in acceptance modern sound, that have recordings?

Mark Thomas

Sound-wise, beggars can't be choosers with many old Soviet recordings and I've plenty of them. As usual, the orchestral contribution here is overpowered by voices, but the music itself sounds pleasant enough, if not very characterful.


Just some interesting info here: noted musicologist Richard Taruskin in Grove says about Cui, ''from From first to last his music was a dilute compound of Schumann and Auber (Genoveva, amazingly, was his favourite opera)'' BTW Ivan the Simpleton was his last opera.

Alan Howe

It's not for me - the sound's too poor and the music's pretty thin.


I get so upset with Russians, they have some of the best composers, conductors... but boy they were clueless with sound. Sorry Russian members.


I've always for the most part been disappointed by Cui's works.  However I suffer from being a completist!

Quote from: Kevin on Friday 31 July 2020, 06:11
The only opera I of his is a feast in the time of the plague, which is pretty relevant now, but have none others. Is there any more operas,  in acceptance modern sound, that have recordings?

Kevin - his children's opera Puss in Boots has been recorded several times.  And a live recording of his Prisoner of the Caucasus is in the Downloads section.