Glazunov Symphonies & Concertos/Serebrier

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 05 July 2018, 17:12

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Since Orfeo's reponsibles still do not bother to answer to my (third) request about an eventual new pressing of the Glazunov set, I have cloned myself a new master CD (with identical "red" label artwork), using the corresponding track of the old single CD issue. In other words, I have now a clean CDR. Anyone needing a copy, I'll be delighted to send it. Pls. write me an internal message or an email and you will get this free of charge.

Alan Howe

Yes, the silence has been deafening. Extremely annoying.


Quote from: hadrianus on Monday 24 August 2020, 07:25
Since Orfeo's reponsibles still do not bother to answer to my (third) request about an eventual new pressing of the Glazunov set, I have cloned myself a new master CD (with identical "red" label artwork), using the corresponding track of the old single CD issue. In other words, I have now a clean CDR. Anyone needing a copy, I'll be delighted to send it. Pls. write me an internal message or an email and you will get this free of charge.

Doubtless well-intended, but does that infringe copyright?

Gareth Vaughan

If they can't be bothered to respond they clearly don't care so I wouldn't raise the issue.

Alan Howe

In any case, remember: the Serebrier/Warner set is available from Amazon at around £2 per CD. And it's superb!


No Christopher; you can make free of charge private CD copies in a small quantity (in my case 5) - just for a few friends. And, should I learn that there is a clean reprint, I would immediately withdraw from my offer.
This box still costs 50 Euros, and I even bouth 2 copies, in order to be sure about that faulty pressing.