Radio Recording of Napravnik's String Quartets

Started by Santo Neuenwelt, Wednesday 22 May 2019, 00:15

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Santo Neuenwelt

I recently have learned that at least two of Eduard Napravnik's string quartets, Nos.1 and 2, were broadcast on Czech Radio in 2012. Whether these broadcasts were recorded, I do not know. IMSLP on their entries on Napravnik seem to indicate that they were. To the best of my knowledge, I do not believe they are on this board. I am wondering if anyone here made a recording from the broadcasts and if so whether I might be able to obtain copies.


I inserted that information, cannot confirm it @ APF/Rozhlas, and have removed it. APF lists recordings of Nápravník's piano trios and piano quartet, but not the string quartets. Maybe they did at the time I wrote that (I seem to have provided a now dead link but since it's dead and not well...) Mea culpa and sorry for wasting time!

Santo Neuenwelt

I finally, after several months, received an answer to an email I sent to Slava Grokhovski who along with the Kocian Quartet recorded the Napravnik Piano Quartet Op.42. I asked him about recordings of Napravnik's three string quartets and here is his answer.

Dear Sir,I am sorry for the late answer.Your information about the recordings of Nápravník quartets is correct,they are recorded by Kocian quartet  in 2007 and the rights for this recordings are now belongs to the Czech Radio.If you want to publish these recordings ,it is necessary to contact the Czech RadioService. They have all the rights to this recordings.I can also recommend to ask for the rights for Nápravník Piano Quartet,which was recorded by me and Kocian quartet,this piece is probably Nápravník's best chamber work. I hope that I helped you.
With regards
Director of International Music Festival of Eduard Nápravník,pianist,musicologist.

A movement of the Piano Quartet can be heard on Youtube. I am wondering if anyone can help us track down the string quartet recordings from Czech Radio. We would like to make soundbites to interest chamber music players in obtaining his sheet music.


Have you looked on the e-shop of Czech Radio - here - - it's only in Czech but use google-translate....

(click on "e-shop" at the top of the screen to the right)


oocuriosity did you use Napravnik or Nápravník?

Santo Neuenwelt

I tried both as well as using his first name and without. Nothing but the Sonata Fantasia. The recordings must be in their archives and if we could make contact with someone there, who knows maybe we could get copies....but I have no contacts there.

Christopher has always replied to my enquiries.... PM me if you would like further contacts.

Quote from: Santo Neuenwelt on Tuesday 06 August 2019, 18:09
... if we could make contact with someone there, who knows maybe we could get copies....but I have no contacts there.

Santo Neuenwelt

I would like further contacts, but, and this may sound stupid, but I do not know how to send you a PM. Never done that and I could find no button for it either...

Mark Thomas

Click on the little blue "speech bubble" symbol next to the name of the member you wish to PM. Or, click on "My Messages" in the menu above....

Mark Thomas

I don't know if anyone was able to track down any of the string quartet recordings, but I've put in the Downloads Board here a copy I've just come across of a broadcast by Czech Radio of the Kocian's recording of Napravnik's String Quartet No.3. The sound isn't top notch as it comes via a cassette tape, but it'll serve. There's no trace of the other two quartets where I found this, which is the digitised archive of that well known collector, the late Miklos Pogonyi, which can now be accessed at here. Don't be misled by the title "Collection of 20th c. Contemporary Latin American Classical Music", it has many recordings of interest to us here, but I haven't explored it that deeply yet.

Santo Neuenwelt

Thanks for the radio recording Mark! For those interested, an amateur group sight reading recorded soundbites for us of his String Quartet No.2


Many thanks for this recording, Mark.  ;)
I've only just spotted it, and am looking forward to hearing it.