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Felix Weingartner (1863-1942)

Started by Peter1953, Thursday 25 November 2010, 21:19

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Mark Thomas

Thanks for putting in the spade work, Jim.


I'm still waiting for someone to post the Violin Sonatas somewhere - YouTube, anywhere.......



I -had- a score & part of the 2nd violin sonata on loan in front of me years ago (not to perform- I don't play violin- just to make a MIDI of the first few minutes; it sounded Romantic and compelling to me), but if I scanned it, I didn't keep the scan, apparently. Maybe I should try to borrow it again and upload it to IMSLP -this- time...


I have the 2nd Sonata on a cassette which is buried in my storage room.  I just keep hoping that someone here has imported the Japanese CD that isn't available here.


Does anyone know anything of his opera "Kain und Abel"? I strolled around at the state library in Munich and the score was lying around on a return desk so I had a short glimpse.
However all I can say is that it only has one act and that the orchestra required is relatively large. There is not a lot to find about it on the Internet... Does anyone know more?

Alan Howe


This is however just the vocal score.  I was unaware that the full score had been published- thanks for that information. (I know that the Austrian National Library has an autograph full score but of course not-the-same-thing.)


I'm still waiting for the Cello concerto to be recorded!

Alan Howe


hmm  I just acquired Weingarter's 4th symphony on CPO... not yet sure if it just a 1x listen to??


Not for me it isn't. Although I consider the 2nd symphony to be Weingartner's best by some margin, it's two successors aren't bad at all. Generally, the 5th and 6th aren't appreciated as much, and the 7th has received a ... mixed reception (although it's a not-so-guilty pleasure for me). Very enjoyable music generally, if not earth-shattering (with the possible exception of the aforementioned 2nd).


Has anyone here studied Weingartner's Sakuntala to give some opinion on it? The vocal score is found at IMSLP while GSA has scanned a published full score.