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Winter-Hjelm Symphonies 1 & 2

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 02 October 2020, 16:51

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To be brutally honest, I like the old Ingebretsen version more than this new one. It appears to make more sense musically and the playing is better, too. However, I can see how the better sonics of the new recording can flip that balance in its favor for those that care about recording quality more than me.

Mark Thomas

I totally agree, so feel lucky to have both and haven't retired my LP transfer as I thought I would. The new recording isn't bad, but the phrasing and tempi of the LP performance are more sympathetic to the music somehow. Or maybe I'm just so used to it after all these years.

Alan Howe

By the way, No.1 dates from 1862-3 (it was revised in 1863); No.2 dates from 1862, but wasn't performed until 1867. The editions used are by Jørn Fossheim, of whom details are available here:

Mark Thomas

Pleasingly, No.1 is very much cut from the same cloth as the familiar No.2. Both are charming, colourful works with a definite Scandinavian atmosphere, although it's not as strongly evident as in Svendsen's symphonies for example.

Alan Howe

I particularly liked W-H's use of brass and his rhythmic vitality . Schumann's a clear influence, but the overall accent is clearly personal. As someone who'd never heard these works before, I'm delighted to recommend this fine release.


I absolutely love that the Norwegian libraries have digitized pretty much absolutely everything they have in public domain of their classical composers. Sketches, fragments, parts, full scores, they have everything out there in good quality scans. Search for Winter-Hjelm, Schjelderup, Aspestrand and others, and you'll find them.

There is another manuscript of the 2nd:

terry martyn

jpc has deleted this recording from my shopping basket this morning.   Presumably, there´s some delay................

Alan Howe

It's probably a supply issue. The CD can be purchased direct from Simax for 139 kr (approx. £11.60, plus whatever they charge for postage):

terry martyn


I hardly need to add (but I'll do anyhow) that it's on Spotify too.

terry martyn

My copy has just arrived from Norway.   Not having acquired the old LP, this music came as a delightful surprise. An optimistic tonic in these dark times. I urge you to listen especially to the finale of the Second Symphony which could easily be encored in the concert halls. The kind of music I think Sullivan could have composed if he had been Norwegian.

Alan Howe

QuoteThe kind of music I think Sullivan could have composed if he had been Norwegian.

Yes! And, of course, his Irish Symphony (first performed in 1866) was written around the same time. One might say that W-H's symphonies have more than a dash of Schumann, whereas the Sullivan was influenced by Mendelssohn - having said which, they both share the optimistic spirit you identified.