Oscar da Silva piano music from Toccata

Started by Sharkkb8, Thursday 01 October 2020, 09:32

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Toccata will release a cd of the piano music of Oscar da Silva (1870-1958).  There are 4 works here, one from 1898, one from 1911, and two from 1948 (these appear to be published-dates anyway).  Asterisks abound, so I suppose we don't quite know yet whether the 1948 works were composed before or after our time frame here. Luis Pipa, pianist.  First quick foray into Wiki-type research is unsuccessful.

Don't see it yet at Amazon UK or Presto.  Amazon USA has a pre-order with release date 6 Nov.

"The Portuguese composer and pianist Óscar da Silva (1870-1958) was one of the major figures in Portuguese and Brazilian musical life in the first half of the twentieth century He left an extensive legacy of compositions for his instrument, cast in a soft and sultry Romanticism somewhere between Chopin and Rachmaninov. All four of the collections recorded here concentrate on delicacy of tone-color, expressing a particularly Portuguese sense of human emotion."
