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Humperdinck Music for the Stage

Started by jasthill, Saturday 03 October 2020, 16:42

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As my Germanic grandfather was wont to say: "Was ist dieser?"  Noted in the Naxos November 2020 preview releases is: HUMPERDINCK, E.: Music for the Stage (Chudak, R.V. and H. van der Plas, Malmö Opera Chorus and Orchestra, Salvi).  Also, betraying my age I recall my first encounter with Humperdinck being an LP of the Humperdinck Moorish Rhapsody (Maurische Rhapsodie) with the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra with Herman Abendroth.

Mark Thomas


Huh, another silent film score by a (somewhat) well known classical composer. Very interesting.


Hello guys! Dario Salvi here - conductor of this recording. I really hope you will like it.

You will pleased to know that I will be working on the recording on CD and DVD of the full soundtrack of Das Mirakel (Das Wunder) as soon as COVID will allow me to!

Thank you for keeping lesser known music alive!


Alan Howe

Thanks and welcome, Dario!

For our members, here's some further information about Dario:

And here's his own website:

We look forward to some fascinating recording projects to come - COVID permitting!


Hello Alan! Thank you.

I am on my way to Prague to record Auber Overtures Vol.5 as I type! I am looking forward to being back on the podium and bring back unjustly forgotten music.

Did anyone get the Humperdinck CD? I am curious to hear your opinion on Humperdinck's music, recording quality etc etc.

Be safe all,

Dario 8)

Alan Howe

The CD is on my next list of purchases...

Mark Thomas

I've got the digital download, but haven't yet listened to it.



Listening right now. it's pretty good.



Since I started this - I can reply - delighted by the selections and the excellent orchestral, singers, and chorus combined with high quality sonics. Plus I enjoy the music of Humperdinck and his  cousin?, uncle? Siegfried Wagner as a transition from Richard Wagner to the early Mahler, Zemlinsky, Schreker, transitioning to the early Schoenberg, Berg, Webern. (Seems like they were all related in some tangential manner). Thanks for this intriguing collection - looking forward to your ensuing projects.

P.S. My Germanic grandfather says "Das lässt sich hören!"


Thank you all! This is the reason why I fight my way to record unknown music - it is your reaction and appreciation that makes it all worth it!



>I am curious to hear your opinion on Humperdinck's music, recording quality etc etc.

Thank you, Dario... I very much enjoyed the program, performance and recording quality alike. I was particularly taken with the "Pilgrimage to Kevlaar," some lovely choral music. It reminded me of the composer's "Koenigskinder," which, Hansel & Gretel apart, I consider his masterpiece -- and very stage-worthy, once that's able to occur again.