Oswald PC, Saint-Saëns PC5 & Nepomuceno Suite Antiga

Started by Wheesht, Monday 27 July 2020, 21:16

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Great news. Words fail to adequately express how much I don't believe in the "combine an unknown work with a warhorse" strategy, but I like the Oswald concerto very much. And I won't be put off by anything Saint-Saëns, either.

Alan Howe

Is it worth adding this if one already has the Hyperion RPC release containing the Oswald?


A very entertaining grouping, but that's a good question, Alan.

Alan Howe

It's not for me, I'm afraid. Too much duplication.

Mark Thomas

Joachim Raff

The Oswald. A totally uninspiring first movement with no cohesive structure. Second movement is better with a Rubinstein floating theme but hardly original. The final movement shows some fire and gusto. Some prancing theme here, that's quite endearing.
Coupling is a put off, as most folk will have the SS PC's in their library.
Personally I have no interest in Nepomuceno's Suite in the Old Style. Some folk may want it for interest value.
Performances are good without being exceptional. Sound is full, bold and warm. The usual high quality from Chandos. I'm afraid not one for my list. :(   


We appear to disagree on the merit of Oswald's concerto, particularly the moody 1st mvt, which I find the most convincing part. There's now two recordings of this work, but I think the Hyperion is the superior of the two in most respects. The sonics of this one aren't bad, but there are some balancing issues which I found distracting: the piano sometimes all but disappears when the orchestra gets going.

The Saint-Saëns is very competently played, but for any recording of this work to stand out it has got to be exceptional and it's not. The Suite Antique I quite enjoyed; it's lively and well-played.