Joseph Lauber Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2

Started by Justin, Friday 13 November 2020, 04:10

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I wonder if they're considering coupling one of the symphony discs with his "Ode lyrique en 3 parties inspirée du Triptique de Paul Robert au Musée de Neuchâtel" Op.40 published in 1912 (in vocal score- if the parts still exist, though..) - could be nice. Or something similar. :) (there's also an undated? flute concerto in manuscript, but we'd have to see how that sounds, and a double bass concerto that's been posthumously published, etc. ...)


The wikipedia entry is in german. Do I spy 2 piano concertos and 2 violin concertos in his worklist?

Alan Howe


Dear friends,

Below is a Youtube link to a short trailer (in German):

Gareth Vaughan

QuoteDo I spy 2 piano concertos and 2 violin concertos in his worklist?

I noticed these and was immediately interested. But are the scores extant? I suppose one would start by writing to the BCU Lausanne MusikArchiv.


... good question. Maybe in Swiss libraries? Will look.
(Hrm, I did not know Frank Martin was among Lauber's students.)
btw according to Joseph Lauber : (1864-1952) : catalogue des oeuvres the 2nd symphony is dedicated to Willy Rehberg.


We were supposed to record the next volume next summer, but due to the covid restrictions and the new swiss rules we shall record the 3rd, the 6th and "Die Alpen" next month. Fred.

Mark Thomas

That's very good news, thanks for updating us.

Gareth Vaughan

Yes. Thank you very much. Do you, perhaps, know anything about the piano and violin concertos?


I don't know anything regarding the concertos, sorry.
You'll find below a scan from the "Catalogue des oeuvres", I did a scan from the "concerto" pages:

We went with the conductor to the "Fonds Joseph Lauber" located in Lausanne "Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire". A lot of documents and scores, that is where we found the symphonies.

If we keep what is planned (and it is a really problematic situation at the moment), the 4th and 5th should be recorded next summer. Fred.

Alan Howe

That's a very attractive prospect - thanks.

I note that the VC was dedicated to the great Henri Marteau.

Gareth Vaughan

Thank you very much, Fred. I really appreciate your sending a scan of the relevant pages in the catalogue. Most interesting.


Quote from: Ilja on Thursday 19 November 2020, 21:32
If anything, the second sounds more old-fashioned than the first

I agree with you, Ilja. Particularly in the 2nd movement, it has that loveliness of decades prior with the recurring theme.


I also have to add that this studio recording of the 1st symphony is superior to the radio broadcast. The strings sound fuller and less tinny, and the bass is much more wholesome. The tempo in the Andante espressivo is also taken at a slightly slower pace, which helps bring out the melodies to full effect.
