CDs half price at Tiroler Landesmuseum

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 03 December 2010, 23:44

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Alan Howe

If you have been considering catching up on your Tyrolean composers, the Tiroler Landesmuseum in Innsbruck is currently offering all its CDs at half price...


Alan, what is your opinion of Pembaur's Cello Concerto and Symphony In Tirol? And his four-handed piano music? Are Gänsbacher's and Nagiller's Symphonies worth buying? And what about Netzer's Symphonies 2 and 3? Do you have any (other) recommendations?

Alan Howe

Pembaur's Cello Concerto is a lovely late-Romantic piece; the Symphony In Tirol adds Tyrolean themes to the mix to produce a very unusual piece indeed. I don't think all that much of Gänsbacher (he's more of historical importance, although enjoyable), but the Nagiller Symphony is a favourite of mine, with a first movement that will stick in your memory - well worth buying. I enjoy all of Netzer's symphonies, although I don't think any of them is of the stature of Rufinatscha; I'm equally certain that they are worth purchasing, especially at half price.


Thank you for your useful comments, Alan. Three CDs from Austria are coming my way.

Alan Howe

Do post your reactions when you receive them, Peter.


Thanks for the info about the Tiroler's sale.

I am happy to see they finally have a secure (apparently) way to buy via credit card.  I have purchased from them in the past two year-end sales - when I had to send my credit card info to them via fax.  Unfortunately, each time my credit card was immediately thereafter hit with fraudulent charges.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  I vowed not to buy anything else - but now have ordered the Pembaur and Nagiller discs via their secure link.   ???


I too tried to purchase the Pembauer disc from them - unsuccessfully.  And recently I was hit with fraudulent charges as well.  Coincidence?  I don't think so!  Fortunately they were both small charges (because my card was too close to the limit.  Another large charge was declined).


After two unsuccessful paying attempts with my creditcard (two times refused) I've written them an email.  I thought I was a good customer, but this is not the first time that I've experienced problems with paying my ordered CDs.

Alan Howe

Oh dear. Yes, do send them an e-mail - and let me know if there's a problem: I should be able to put you in contact with the right person.
I've never had any problems with paying by credit card at all...


Quote from: Peter1953 on Monday 06 December 2010, 07:15
After two unsuccessful paying attempts with my creditcard (two times refused) I've written them an email.

Yes, after I went through all the "checkout" pages and eventually authorized the purchase on the credit card-processing site, I received a message that there was an "error" in the processing.  So I started to enter the info over again.  Before I could finish this, however, an email arrived which confirmed that the order had been received.  Quirky.

(Now, pace JimL, I will keep an eye out for anything untoward.   :o)


I too had a problem the last time I ordered a cd (Netzer), getting my credit card authorised. Previously, I had ordered 3 or 4 cds and each time had no problem getting the credit card authorised. This time it was refused three times, yet I too got an email saying my order was accepted. Out of interest, I phoned Barclaycard and was told the transaction had been logged 3 times!!! I wrote to Tiroler Landesmuseum ( I speak German) and received a very nice email back saying that there was only one order and I would be charged just once, which was what eventually happened, with Barclaycard waiving the other two entries. As other members have remarked - very quirky! I hope the problem is rectified the next time I order!



I'm not sure what happened, having forgotten most of the elementary German I learned my freshman year at UCLA.  All I know is that apparently my order didn't go through, but some months later my CapitalOne card information ended up in someone else's hands (probably with a fake card) and unauthorized charges were made.


At the risk of jumping on the band wagon here, I too have had some problems with purchasing through the Tirolischer Landmuseum website. I had the same issues as previous posters with the page apparently "not accepting" my credit card payment, then after several attempts, getting an acknowledgement that it had in fact been processed. The discs (their complete Rufinatscha collection!!) arrived safely in July and were every bit as good as I had hoped. Then a few weeks ago I received a letter and an invoice (all 'auf Deutsch, naturlich') saying that it appeared the account may not have been settled. I checked my credit card statements and indeed it had, so I disregarded the letter. This all points to a somewhat unreliable site at the moment, which is a shame as it is a treasure trove of unsung composers!


I had been thinking if availing myself of he 50% discount to acquire the Rufinatscha CD's . After reading this thread, however, I think I will pass. I can wait until the Chandos Rufinatscha series comes out and get it from more reliable sources.

A shame...


Frau Eva Bertsch, secretary, responded immediately on my email and attached an invoice which I could easily pay by telebanking. Now I am awaiting 4 CDs from Austria.

Oldman, send her an email, place your order, and ask for an invoice. You will never regret buying the Rufinatscha CDs.