Joaquim Cassadó - Hispania, Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra

Started by Hector, Friday 27 November 2020, 15:25

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Very entertaining. Colourful melodies and orchestration. Piano part written to impress a concert hall audience. Is there a chord missing from the end?

[ This refers to the recent post in our Downloads Board - Mark]

Gareth Vaughan

I know what you mean. It does seem to end very abruptly.


Charming piece, thanks Ilja.
Here's just a little about the composer (

Joaquim Cassadó (1867-1926)
Composer and organist. He studied in Mataró with Manuel Blanch. He was chapel master in the church of La Mercè in Barcelona. In Paris, where he lived between 1907 and 1915, formed a trio with his two sons Augustine (violin) and Gaspar (cello). In Barcelona created and conducted the Capella Catalana (1900). He composed chamber music, symphonic concertos (cello, violin, piano), vocal church music (Masses, motets), three zarzuelas, the opera The Black Monk (1920) and the Patriotic Sardana enyorada.

Sinfonia Dramatica (1903)
Simfonia Macarena

Lo Fluviol, el Titit i l'Escarabat • Duos instruments différents

Monjo Negre (Lo) (1920) • Opera
Noche del Pilar (La) (1906) • Zarzuela
Real Mentira (La) (1906) • Zarzuela
Cortijo (El) (1908) • Farces - Burla


The recording is trimmed closely at the end after the last eighth-note chord, but if you examine the score what follows are just two eighth-note rests.



Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Friday 27 November 2020, 20:04
I know what you mean. It does seem to end very abruptly.

My recording had a quite monumental squawk after that final chord, and to get rid of it (and believe me, I needed to) I had to crop it rather closely.