Chandos to close its download service

Started by Mark Thomas, Saturday 24 August 2024, 08:27

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I have all my music in one large database in the Apple Music app. Within a few seconds, I can select and compare, for instance, three piano concertos in C minor from around 1810, or listen to a number of works based on the Frithjof saga, should I wish - and I regularly do wish such things. It also allows me to sync my music, and playlists, to my MP3 player and iPhone without issues. With physical media, that would be, at the very least, immensely time-consuming. In addition, we don't have a lot of shelf space to dedicate to a CD collection; that's all filled with books. Finally, I really dislike CDs as objects; the booklets are near illegible, and more than a few have died on me. Whatever's left of my CD collection is now in the attic and if you want it, you're welcome to take it off my hands.
Having said that, I do attach value to owning my music. Streaming is convenient but I'm with Mark in my distrust of the streamers' continuity. And it has happened that things just disappeared from Spotify. But thankfully, there are ways of solving that problem.

Alan Howe

Physical media take up space - I should know because I've basically run out! My only solution is to stop collecting CDs and start streaming. So, now to sort out hardware for the living room and my study.