N.Tcherepnin Le Pavillon d'Armide

Started by Alan Howe, Tuesday 08 December 2020, 12:27

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Alan Howe


Nicolai Tcherepnin was chosen by Diaghilev to conduct the first season of his Ballet Russe in Paris. It could be argued that if he or his ballet had flopped there might not have been a Ballet Russe for further seasons and Diaghilev may not have gone on to commission works by Stravinsky, Satie, Prokofiev, Ravel, Debussy and Richard Strauss,



received my Naxos download which is a new/old recording as it was originally released in 1995 on the marco polo label. Many of his works still remain unpublished and it is hoped by this writer that more will become available. There is a website devoted to three of them (father, son, grandson).http://www.tcherepnin.com/alex/records_alex.htm. Out of curiosity how many of you have the Marco polo? I did but my daughter threw it away. It is a fine recording with a touch of French (Debussy) in the arrangement.



M. Yaskovsky

I've it on Mp3 so will replace it for a Cd when available. I happen to own the recording of the Suite op.29a on an Olympia Cd (OCD 693) which clocks for 34:50 so half the music of the ballet I think.


I also have Narcisse et Echo another Tcherepnin work he composed later in his life.

Mark Thomas


the gramophone wasn't too kind to Tcherepin and his ballet