Joseph Lauber Symphonies Nos. 3 & 6

Started by adcsound, Friday 18 December 2020, 03:39

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not the same as "America the Beautiful"/Wilhelmus von Nassau, I take it.

terry martyn

On the strength of the first, highly enjoyable, CD, and the personal touch in the note of thanks for purchasing direct, I will certainly be buying this CD


To be honest, I'm hoping these will be a bit more individual than the first two symphonies. Those were fine, but not particularly distinctive.

Mark Thomas

I think that's a very fair assessment, but not everyone can have a distinctive voice and it won't stop me getting volume 2.


Lauber seems to be typical of how many composers dealt with their symphonies: No. 1 is a grand gesture, no. 2 a bit more introspective, but after that it's usually anyone's guess. So I'm looking forward to being surprised.

Mark Thomas

Of course, the surprise may be that you're not surprised!


I hope you'll be surprised!
The master is ready, this is a 72'53 baby.

Of course this is just my opinion, but the third one is a masterpiece.
1896, the year Bruckner passed away... This symphony smells sometimes a bit more german than swiss german.
The andante maestoso is just a beautiful musical moment.

The 6th symphony is just another world. Of course it is a matter of taste but I'm not so fan of the last movement but he wrote it...

"Die Alpen" is just a real Swiss attitude! If you search something else, you could be desappointed but if you just take it as it is written, this is what I see from my windows!

A very nice production with very good quality takes. It has been a real pleasure to do it and I'm sure you'll be happy to listen to this work.



Alan Howe

A mouthwatering prospect. We look forward to its release.


Particularly the 3rd symphony by Fred's description.


Fred, do you have a rough idea of when this will be released?


Dear Justin,

I have officially no idea because this one was supposed to be recorded next June!
We have a rendez-vous with Kaspar and the label in a few days to give an interview for the booklet, so I shall ask for more accurate information.

But I think it could be soon because there is an interest for the label to release this one before summer, if you know that we shall record the 2 last symphonies next August for a release of this last one before next Christmas.

I'm really close to the label owner, but there are more people who are involved: text, translations, graphism, etc.

I'll write when I'll know.

Alan Howe

Thanks once again for this update. We greatly appreciate it.


Yes, we are grateful for your comments. Looking forward to it!


The people at Schweizer Fonogramm sure know "how it's done"
Today I received the Walther/Raff cd..not only you get the pleasure of buying from (and thus "financing") the people who actually made it, but it's cheaper than the others, and free shipping to boot.
What do you want more? Well , a handwritten thank you note!
I got it too, and it was even in my language, of course Italian is one the languages of the Federation, but they are from the German-speaking part, so it was a very nice and personalised gesture.
Very commendable purchase experience.

Mark Thomas

... and the music and performances are pretty good too!