Cello Concerto Overview on MusicWeb International

Started by Wheesht, Tuesday 29 December 2020, 17:51

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Regular visitors of MusicWeb International will have seen this – The Cello Concerto: An Overview and Timeline by Patrick C Waller. I for one am always happy to have such overviews and lists. Here's the link.


That's a pretty staggering piece of work, not just a list but a short paragraph on every composer with follow-up links (albeit non-comprehensive) to recordings, publishers and reviews whenever possible.

Gareth Vaughan

It is, as you say, a fine and valuable piece of work. However, what is signally lacking (as so often in such otherwise commendable compilations) is the all-important information, in each and every case, as to the existence and whereabouts of the full orchestral score (and/or parts) of a particular concerto, without which, of course, proper performance is impossible.

Mark Thomas

It's a great starting point though, surely, for those who do have the expertise to track down the scores?

Gareth Vaughan

Oh, I am not belittling the achievement, as I hope was clear from my comment. Merely highlighting what, in my experience, is a frequent and important omission from such online resources: the author has left out the hardest part of the research. And you, Mark, will know exactly what I mean!

Mark Thomas

Indeed I do. Eight years before the mast in my case, Gareth!

Gareth Vaughan