Adolph Biarent - Symphony in D minor

Started by Sibeliusfan, Friday 01 January 2021, 09:56

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Very interesting, thank you for this post. I have two very small modifications: the composers name is Adolphe Biarent and the conductor here is Sylvain Vouillemin.

Mark Thomas

This refers to Justin's post in the Downloads Board here. I've made the corrections. Thanks, Sibeliusfan.

Alan Howe

Just thought I'd record here my appreciation of the sadly deleted CD of works by Biarent on Cyprès including the Symphony in D minor and Symphonic Poem Trenmor. The Symphony is clearly 'school of Franck' (it is cyclical), but it is its relative succinctness (6:46; 4:37; 3:13; 13:12 = TT 28:18) that makes for rewarding listening. There's nothing overblown here. Instead, and going against the trend of his symphonic contemporaries, there is real movement. This man could write a proper symphonic allegro!