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Parry Piano Sonatas etc.

Started by Alan Howe, Thursday 07 September 2023, 09:42

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Alan Howe

...forthcoming from Richard Deering on the Heritage label:

The Piano Sonatas are relatively early, both dating from 1876 when Parry was 28.

Martin Eastick

This release is most welcome, and the 2nd sonata, "To Cora" is a fine work IMHO. The only previous recording of the sonatas, using Parry's piano at Shulbrede Priory (which I had the honour to be able to play during one of the "open house" events there some years ago) obviously has its limitations and is probably more of historical interest only, so it will be good to hear these works for the first time on a modern instrument! Furthermore, the accompanying 7 "Characterbilder", dating from 1872 - and equally shamefully neglected, make their debut on a first modern instrument recording. The 2CD set is completed with Parry's posthumously-published "5 Miniatures", a small anthology including music from his early years.

Curiously, but similarly again most welcome. it seems that there is interest in Parry's piano music from another source, namely the Italuian-based pianist Christopher Howell, who has previously done much for Stanford's piano music!