Voříšek/Wranitzky/Beethoven/Reicha: Beethoven's World vol.5

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 01 January 2021, 12:11

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Alan Howe

The final release in this series is forthcoming:

Jan Hugo Voříšek (1791-1825): Grand Rondeau Concertant Op.25 for Piano Trio & Orchestra (1820) 
Wranitzky: Concerto in C for 2 Violas & Orchestra (1805)
Beethoven: Concerto Fragment in C for Violin & Orchestra (1792)
Reicha: Solo de Cor alto in G for Horn & Orchestra (1823)




Hmmm, what's this Reicha?
I know of a 'Solo in e' for Horn and Piano, an Introduction and Rondo for Horn and Orchestra (which I have), and 'Two Solos' for Horn and Orchestra.

Alan Howe

I'm just relating the details on the back cover of the CD...

It'd be handy to have a complete and reliable catalogue of Reicha's works.

Gareth Vaughan

Hmm. G major / e minor - same key signature. Someone might just have got confused. Hiller's first piano concerto appears in works of reference as being variously in F minor or A flat major - it's the same sort of thing (errorwise, I mean).

Alan Howe


Has/did Drummond ever release his work in the form of a book or large article?...

Alan Howe

Alan Howe

Undoubtedly: I too found that article by Drummond. But we need a full and reliable listing...

Mark Thomas

It's obviously a taxing job because, as Drummond mentions, many earlier works were published with late opus numbers. Speaking as one with recent cataloguing experience, it's not a prospect I'd relish.

Alan Howe


That's not what I was referring to, actually; I was under the impression that Drummond spent years studying Reicha's music from a musicological and cataloguing POV, but was wondering out loud if the results of his researches ended up in something book-sized or something...

Gareth Vaughan

It would be good of it did, but I am not aware of anything substantial having been published.


There is this:
Antonin Rejcha: tematický katalog by Olga Šotlova, published by Supraphon in Prague in 1977. At 254 pages it seems pretty substantial, but is all in Czech.


All the Wikipedia article really mentions aside from what we have, Drummond-wise, is Drummond's prefaces to Merton's editions of Reicha's string quartets. (Which leaves the question whether anyone has access to one of them and whether they contain useful information.)