Eduard Franck Piano Concertos 1 & 2

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 12 February 2021, 10:57

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a few works of his have already received two recordings (iirc), incidentally, what with series of his works on Audite and Naxos.

Alan Howe

Yes, true. But not the PCs. As far as I know there's only been one Naxos CD so far.


ah, you're right, I thought there had been a few.

Alan Howe

Gareth Vaughan

Soundbites of the two PCs now available at jpc. They are most enticing and I think listeners will not be disappointed with the complete works. Having known the scores of these two PCs (the second only in a photocopy of the MS) I can say they are better than I imagined them to be - at least from the tiny soundbites we are offered.

Alan Howe

That was my reaction to the same soundbites. My copy's already on order...

Alan Howe

Well, PC1 turns out to be a large-scale work of nearly 41 minutes' duration (15:34; 11:46; 13:22), which surprised me. PC2, by contrast, takes just over 34 minutes.

The former is undoubtedly the most expansive work we have yet had by Franck, with an opening movement of a reach and power, not to say poetic intensity, that I hadn't expected at all. A wonderful surprise! The songful slow movement is absolutely sublime. The finale begins with arresting calls to attention from the brass which lead into the dance-like main theme. The second subject makes for a delightful contrast before a passage of rapid-fire pianism. There is a stunning cadenza featuring the main theme of the slow movement before a magnificently grandiloquent and imposing closing tutti. Glorious.

I'd now propose this as an important missing link between Beethoven's Emperor and Brahms' PC1. The performance seems well-prepared and played. My only question would be to wonder whether the whole work could have benefited from swifter tempi, but who knows?

terry martyn

Excellent news,Alan.  I will be putting in my order for this and the Wolfl  on my birthday, later this month.   I have long thought that for sheer melodic beauty he deserves more outings in the recording studio than a lot of other contemporaries.

Alan Howe

PC2 (14:28; 9;43; 9:57), composed 33 years later, does indeed sound like a later composition, with an imposing, freely composed opening movement followed by a slow movement which begins with a beautiful, hushed chorale-like string passage soon taken up by the piano. The level of inspiration here is very high. The finale is a vigorous Presto, featuring frequent syncopations; later there is an unexpected slow cadenza in C minor before the triumphant coda. Altogether: a superb work.

It would have been a feather in the cap for Hyperion if they'd chosen to record Franck's two PCs. As it is, it's a jewel in the crown that is cpo's ever-expanding catalogue.

Mark Thomas

This is all tremendously encouraging, but I shall wait (holding my breath) until the download becomes available.

Richard Moss

According to PRESTO, the(ir) UK release date is scheduled for 2nd April 2021.  However, I've noticed that quite often with PRESTO, particularly with CPO, that the download option does not follow until some time (months?) later and, when it is available as a download, it does not always include the booklet notes!. (I assume this is a CPO marketing decision but I cannot for the life of me see what advantage it is to them to delay the download option and/or not include the booklet notes).

Anyway, given how much I enjoyed his other orchestral outings on the Audite label, I'm really looking forward to hearing these works.  Pity about the wait but 'que sera'!



Mark Thomas

cpo downloads are routinely available three or so months after the physical product, irrespective of the download site. Now, back to Eduard Franck.

terry martyn

Wow.  The First is good and definitely above average, but the Second is mature and assured. And both are lively and fun!

Gareth Vaughan

They are indeed both fine concertos. We are lucky to have them - and now in splendid modern editions by Breitkopf und Hartel. Don't know if No. 2 has been issued yet, but, if not, it is definitely on its way.

Alan Howe