BBC3 Composer of the Week from 29th Nov.

Started by eschiss1, Tuesday 30 November 2021, 06:51

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is Emilie Mayer. Don't know if the program is new or a repeat, but looking forward to hearing it.

Mark Thomas

It's a very welcome development and I thought yesterday's episode, about her youth, was most interesting and well presented. I'll try and record each episode on catch up and will post them here if I manage to do that.

Mark Thomas

Recordings of the five BBC programmes about Mayer's life and music are now available in our Downloads Board here. I thought them well done, they gave an interesting picture of her life and with the odd insightful comment from the two presenters, although it was telling that neither of them had heard of Mayer before researching for the series. All the recordings played were either commercial releases or were broadcast performances already available in the Downloads Board.
