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Norwegian Opera

Started by M. Henriksen, Monday 29 November 2010, 20:23

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M. Henriksen

For those interested I "found" a website dedicated to the history of Norwegian Opera this afternoon.
It's fair to say that the majority of composers represented are very unsung, and most of the works mentioned here are still unperformed.
Some of the short composer biographies are in Norwegian, but the rest of the site is in English.

I would guess this is interesting reading for many of this forum's members.

The site can be found here:



I've just looked at this site and it is very interesting.  While I wont be investigating the operas, it is certainly a prompt for me to look at the composers.

There is an old joke about a singer who had got a fortnights booking at a Butlins holiday camp.  She was worried how it would look on her CV if any one found out.  To which her friend replied 'It will look better than a week in Oslo!'

M. Henriksen

I must admit that I've never been at a Butlins holiday camp, but I think a week in Oslo isn't good for anyone :) I just don't like the city!
However, the Opera house in Oslo was opened in April 2008, so at least we now have an Opera in this country!

The site is very interesting as you say, and it will be a difficult task to investigate most of the operas mentioned since most of them never have been performed. But as you say, there are some interesting composers here, some of them are even completely unknown here in Norway.
