Wölfl Piano Concertos 2 & 3

Started by Alan Howe, Friday 12 February 2021, 11:02

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Alan Howe


Very welcome indeed! It will make a timely accompaniment to the forthcoming Vol.2 of his piano works at Toccata Classics.


I've been interested in his music since college at least, and the increasing number of his recorded works is gratifying. Thanks.

Gareth Vaughan

One thing intrigues me somewhat. This recording has PCs 2 & 3. The earlier CPO disk featured 1, 5 & 6 plus the slow movement of no. 4. Are we to assume the other movements of 4 are lost? I don't think so, because I am almost certain I saw a complete score in the BL years ago, and that was not merely one movement. Why record only one movement if the whole concerto is extant?

Gareth Vaughan

I have answered my own question. It seems Wolfl composed the Andante known as The Calm as a replacement  movement for his 1st concerto while not discarding the original slow movement of no. 1, so the so-called 4th concerto consists of the 1st and 3rd movements of no. 1 with The Calm as a new 2nd movement.  Dear me!

Alan Howe

PC2 is 'Mozart plus'. Very nice indeed, but not quite Beethoven, if you see what I mean.

Alan Howe

PC3 isn't very interesting at all, with a particularly trite and repetitive finale which drove me mad. Much note-spinning, even within its 21:36 span!

terry martyn

My belatedly purchased copies of the Eberl piano concertos arrived on the same day as the Wolfl.  I am struck at how advanced ,and on the cusp of Romanticism, the op.32 Concerto of Eberl sounds to my ears, in contrast to those of Wolfl.


I'd forgotten cpo's other disc with 1,5&6, which I have at least partial streaming access to- will go hear. Thanks.