Ewald Straesser quintets on MDG

Started by Sharkkb8, Tuesday 25 May 2021, 02:07

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Ewald Straesser has been mentioned here a few times over the years, with generally positive verdicts.  The Berolina Ensemble has recorded two wind quintets, from 1903 and 1915, as well as a clarinet sonata from a considerably later date.  Presto & Amazon UK show an 11 June release.




I was only aware of one wind quintet by Straesser, and that it was performed in the 1930s and not published until 1997; I don't even know if it's one of the two on this recording. The only sonatas I knew of were his violin sonata Op.32 and his piano sonatinas Opp.44 and 54 (conceivably the same work) so it'll be interesting to add another duet, too (Op.58's right after our list @ IMSLP, so adding that...)


Oh I see, one of the two quintets is the clarinet quintet Op.34, a "wind quintet" of another kind entirely; the other is his Op.9. Interesting.

(Listening to the finale of a live performance of the clarinet quintet from 2014. Very lovely, in my honest opinion... and appropriately dramatic also.)

Mark Thomas

His orchestral music is solidly impressive, so it'll be very interesting to hear these chamber works.

Alan Howe


Quote from: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 25 May 2021, 08:22
His orchestral music is solidly impressive, so it'll be very interesting to hear these chamber works.

Talking about that... Does anyone have any idea when and/or whether cpo are ever planning to release a CD of the symphonies and the piano concerto? The recording must be about twenty years old by now.

Gareth Vaughan

It would be nice if they got on with it. Sadly, I have no information.

Mark Thomas

When have we ever known cpo to "get on with it"? They are the very definition of "their own sweet time".


Sadly, the MDG website has not been updating its new release contents frequently while its English language domain has been virtually fossilized and freeze framed over the past year < https://www.mdg.de/indexeng.htm >. This is surely perhaps a sign of the times that certain classical CD labels have nonchalantly consigned the priority accorded to the publicity promotion of their products to the ash heap of oblivion in a bid to cut their overhead operating costs.  :'(


As far as the chamber music goes, much has been released on the Silvertrust label, including 5 string quartets.

The Clarinet Quintet in G major Op.34 is on Sterling:

On the subject of the 1st Symphony, could this be the CPO recording ?


There is no Silvertrust "label". The recordings of the 5 string quartets sampled at their website are @matesic's - see IMSLP.


Ah, right Eric. I've made that mistake before!

Berolina Ensemble

Nice, that you recognized our latest release! Any questions concerning the pieces?
All the best,
Berolina Ensemble