Henselt/Bronsart Piano Concertos - forthcoming from BIS/Paul Wee

Started by 4candles, Wednesday 05 May 2021, 11:58

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Quite. Why on earth they should keep this recording from 2016 hidden away like that in a 'Norwegian special edition' is beyond me.

Should there be a new thread on the Cleve PCs, perhaps?

Alan Howe

I took one look at this release and thought: 'Oh, no - it's with the Swedish Chamber Orchestra; I hope this isn't some misguided HIP project!"

Gareth Vaughan

Alan Howe

I may be wrong, but why use a chamber orchestra in this repertoire?

Gareth Vaughan

Well, quite. Let's hope we are both wrong and our fears prove unfounded.

Alan Howe

Judging by an official photo, the orchestra is 30-strong. Hmm....

Mark Thomas

...but the coupling and the prospect of Wee as soloist are beguiling. My fingers are crossed.

Gareth Vaughan

Well, the Henselt is scored for an orchestra of: / / timp / strings
The Bronsart calls for an orchestra of: / / timp / strings

So the string section might sound a bit lean. I don't know. We must wait and see.

Alan Howe

Dausgaard did the Schumann symphonies with this orchestra - some really liked them, finding them lean and athletic; others (like me) hated them as too insubstantial by half. It all depends what the conductor does with the strings...

John Boyer

MacKerras did the Brahms symphonies for Telarc with an orchestra of 50 players, a cycle that was greatly acclaimed and have long since become my favorites.  This allowed for 30 strings, however.  If the SCO is only starting with 30 players total...hmmm indeed.

Sometimes a chamber orchestra fills out with extras for a recording.  Let's hope. 


make no mistake, I too despise HIP travesties of Romantic repertoire, but here I am a little more hopeful.
I have a few recordings with this orchestra (including the Dausgaard Schumann, which I like very much, finding it refreshingly vigorous).
While interpretive choices could and will be a matter of taste, the Norwegians never sounded undernourished (not too much at least) screechy, or in any way grating to the ear. (in the releases I have..)
Cross fingers.


Excerpts available here. The finale oF Bronsart's concerto is taken at quite a lick. The orchestra sounds lean but perhaps more on its toes than a full symphony orchestra might be.


Alan Howe

Well, I've been doing some comparisons (using headphones at Presto) between this new release and the two Hyperion CDs which feature the piano concertos involved - and I have to say that I really don't think the Swedish Chamber Orchestra are up to the job, especially in the slow movements where the strings in particular sound (to me) undernourished by comparison to the BBCSSO. Mind you, Paul Wee is an astonishing pianist and I can certainly see what Revilod means by his treatment of the finale of the Bronsart.

Anyway, for me this would be a pointless repeat purchase. But maybe piano-fanciers will feel differently. And to be honest, I don't think this was ever going to be a release for me as I tend to avoid HIP-influenced recordings if alternatives are available. A sign of my age and prejudices, no doubt...

Mark Thomas

I do agree that the SCO sounds underpowered, particularly so in the Henselt excerpts. I may buy the Bronsart download for Paul Wee's pianism but it'll be a whim if I do and Wee seems to have full albums on his YouTube channel, so there'll probably be the opportunity to hear the whole recording before deciding.

Mark Thomas

The recording is out today and, as is the modern way, it may be sampled in full on YouTube here.