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Brian's 'Gothic' at the Proms 2011?

Started by Alan Howe, Monday 20 December 2010, 19:26

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Delicious Manager

Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 18 July 2011, 16:12
I agree. It is very surprising indeed that the Beeb did not televise this event. I can't undersrand it.

Admittedly, with the huge forces and lack of space, this would have been a real challenge (and, no doubt, will be offered-up as a lame excuse), but the BBC has overcome bigger obstacles than that.


I did hear it online over iPlayer at any rate (outside the UK, not HD, even if my computer were set up for such a thing) and was so glad I did. Thanks for informing and reminding about it and grats remotely to all involved :)


A view from the stalls:

Well, what an event! The sense of anticipation was palpable in the three-quarters of an hour from when the doors opened to the moment that Martyn Brabbins signalled that we were all (both at home and in the Hall itself) about to embark on an epic journey through one of the most extraordinary musical creations of the twentieth century. As the innumerable choristers filed in, joined by the vast orchestral forces (marshalled both on the specially-extended stage and off-stage to left and right) the question was - would the actual experience of hearing the music match up to all this pent-up excitement.

Personally, the answer was undoubtedly and triumphantly "Yes"! I think it is fair to say that this was the best performance that the Gothic has ever had - certainly the sheer orchestral virtuosity was breath-taking. The contribution of the 800 choral singers came unnaturally close to matching the super-human (or inhuman) demands made by Brian in his "music of the imagination": true, there were occasional pitch-issues (which are inevitable in a live performance and can probably only be overcome in a recording studio, with the opportunity for cut-and-paste re-pitching), but this all added to a sense of striving against impossible odds which is surely a fundamental part of the composer's vision. The four vocal soloists were excellent too and their dramatic entrance, timed to perfection as the massed choirs stood as one on the dramatic F# chord towards the end of the Scherzo, was truly electrifying.

The hero of the hour was Martyn Brabbins - he did not just beat like a windmill and "hope for the best" but moulded a beautifully shaped performance which was clearly a real interpretation of the work as a whole rather than the sum of it's not inconsiderable constituent parts.

The acoustics in the Royal Albert Hall served to cloud many orchestral subtleties, but luckily the close miking for radio broadcast reveals a fabulous wealth of detail. The technology that we have around us now means that this performance will have been captured by countless music-lovers across the world - it is certainly the recording of Brian's stupendous creation that I will be returning to most often.

An incredible event which I feel immensely privileged to have been able to witness.


Mark Thomas

As you say, John, as you say. I wonder how many of us were there - four at last count I think?

J.Z. Herrenberg

I agree with everything Albion says. I flew in for the occasion (from Amsterdam) - as a Brian fan I had to, of course. And what an evening it was! Unforgettable. Brabbins really went like a laser through Brian's intricate edifice. It will take me more than a few days to recover and digest.

I also had the great pleasure of suddenly being approached by an unknown man outside the RAH, who 'revealed' himself as Albion!

Mark Thomas

Did no one tell you about the dangers of being approached by strange men in London, who then reveal themselves?  :) Yes, it was a very special evening and I hope a significant one for Brian's reputation at least. I suspect that there will be other performances now of The Gothic.


Mark Thomas

You can hear it online using the BBC's iPlayer catch up service here, or you can download my recording by going to the Downloads board and finding the link in the British Music Broadcasts thread or the Havergal Brian's Gothic Symphony - 2011 Proms thread (its the same recording).

J.Z. Herrenberg

Here is some footage of the Gothic Proms, courtesy of my sister and her trusty Canon. I did a conversion job today. Here is the (first) result:

On this page footage of the rehearsal (2 parts already, sound a bit too loud and distorted, but still...)

Delicious Manager

interesting to see, remarkable sound quality, highly illegal pirate recording, however.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Good publicity, I would think, for the CD, in case it comes. The BBC were stupid not to televise the event. If they want me to remove it - okay. Let's wait and see.

Delicious Manager

Were you the person having an exchange with Jessica Duchen on Facebook? If not, at least one other person flew over from Amsterdam to hear it.


Quote from: J.Z. Herrenberg on Wednesday 20 July 2011, 16:44
Here is some footage of the Gothic Proms, courtesy of my sister and her trusty Canon.

Many thanks, Johan, for this - it brings back very happy memories of one of the most remarkable concerts I have ever attended.

Quote from: Delicious Manager on Wednesday 20 July 2011, 17:09
interesting to see, remarkable sound quality, highly illegal pirate recording, however.

I think that some perspective is needed here: if this was a high-definition two-hour-long relay involving multiple camera shots I could understand any potential objection.

As it is, it gives a flavour of this unique and quite magnificent occasion to those listening at home.



I've listened to the broadcast and unfortunately didn't appreciate the music, but I can imagine that the concert must have been an immense spectacle for those who were there.

J.Z. Herrenberg

Quote from: Delicious Manager on Wednesday 20 July 2011, 17:52
Were you the person having an exchange with Jessica Duchen on Facebook? If not, at least one other person flew over from Amsterdam to hear it.

Yes. I respect and like her very much.