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Lachner Symphony No.2

Started by terry martyn, Monday 21 September 2020, 10:02

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terry martyn

Thank you, Gerd

I loved the rendition of the 2nd and put my ´thumbs-up´on YouTube.     

Have to say that the 5th, to which I have listened about fifty times, is a comfort to me in these troubled times.

Nick Woodward (aka Terry Martyn)

terry martyn

I hadn´t heard it until now. A wonderful labour of love!!   Thank you. I will go back to YouTube now and give it the thumbs-up.

Alan Howe

Here, for reference purposes, is Gerd Prengel's rendition:


Just a quick note on the timing – while Gerd had shortened some passages and omitted a few repeats (mostly to good effect I think), it should be mentioned that the full, unaltered length of this Symphony, with all exposition repeats and all around brisk tempi is around 44-45 minutes.

Also, some time ago, I sent an email to the library about an error in their digitization. They responded and very helpfully corrected and restored a missing page near the beginning of the first movement. This is why there is an odd moment around 0:49 because of a page that was missing at the time Gerd was working on his transcription.

Alan Howe

That's very helpful - thanks.


Thank you, Gerd. Marvellous to be able to hear music that would otherwise remain a mystery.

Alan Howe

It might be a good idea to send the materials to Gernot Schmalfuss...

Gareth Vaughan

I agree. It would certainly help the cause.


Thank you for this...   wonderful music.