Newly Discovered Finnish Works

Started by Justin, Sunday 25 July 2021, 18:56

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To be released on August 27 from Naxos. All world premiere recordings for violin and orchestra:

Most of these works are from the 1930s onwards, but the album designates them as highly lyrical, which is why I decided to share this. The only 19th century work is Mustalainen by Elemér Szentirmay, written in 1875. We'll see how this sounds!


None of the works will offend the very delicate sensibilities of the moderaters. Most were written for Finnish light music radio broadcasts.


On a slightly related note to one of the composers here, Nils-Eric Fougstedt. He was a well-known conductor, organizer and music critic of his time though his compositional legacy is forgotten and largely unknown these days. I recalled looking at his Piano Concerto from 1944 based on the sample score available from MCF. It was nothing too adventurous or modern, a sample to those interested in checking it out below. (Fougstedt produced copious amounts of choral music, some orchestral music, plus a cello concerto and a violin concertino.)

I'm looking forward to hearing this disc for the Kaski, Fougstedt and Klami pieces mainly. Thanks for the tip Justin.

Alan Howe

Quotethe very delicate sensibilities of the moderaters

...who administer and - in one case owns - this website.