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Acte Préalable CDs

Started by Sharkkb8, Saturday 31 July 2021, 04:59

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I've found that the Acte Préalable label can sometimes be a hit-and-miss proposition, but they do offer little-known composers that can peak the interest from time to time.  I just went to their site to see what was new, and there are quite a few new recordings, including music by Johann Wilhelm Gabrielski (1791-1846) and Joseph Christoph Kessler (1800-1872).

But now, I see the their retail operation has changed.  They used to provide links to such distributors as Cliq Musique in France, and I bought several discs that way over the years.  Now, they are apparently only doing their own distributing, but at a shipping cost of 15€ ($17 US), 30€ for 2 cd's, and on up to 75€ ($85) for 5 cd's.  If I didn't know better, I'd think the good folks at Acte Prealable are working much too hard at insuring few, if any, international sales.  I would still probably like to obtain the occasional recording from them, but I'm not about to tacitly affirm this shipping policy by buying from them - has anyone figured out any other ways to crack this nut?

(They are also mentioning a new venture, offering downloads for 5€ apiece, which would suit me just fine, but they apparently have only sale-digitized approximately the chronologically-offered first half of their inventory at this point, or so it appears)

The two cd's mentioned above:     (and in this case, the composer's middle name is misspelled on their own website)

terry martyn

I buy mine through Musicweb International.  They are still advertising availability.

Mark Thomas

Although it currently only applies to a limited number of older recordings, the download option for €5 a CD is a steal and one in which I'd be interested, were it not for the fact that I can't figure out from the website how to do it! Has anyone succeeded?


Same here. I've sent them an e-mail - let's wait what they have to say.


It'd also be interesting to know how one is supposed to reconcile the
Shipping cost (regardless of destination country and number of albums): 15 € (17 US$)
with the costs for two, three and more CDs listed immediately below. And they still list their distributors on their website, under Contact.

Mark Thomas

Maybe the new website is best described as "work in progress", then. It doesn't give one much confidence when potential new customers have to act as beta testers....


Jan from Acte Préalable was quick to reply. I'll summarize from his responses in our slightly tortured exchange:

QuoteYou should select DIGITAL from the CATALOGUE to see the list of all CDs available for digital download. When the item is available for ditital distribution, blinking information is visible next to the cover.
In "How to Buy" is mentionned that if you wish to buy digital version of the CD, pay 5 Euro per CD to No cart or direct connection with PayPal available.
Once I get the confirmation from PayPal that the maoney is in our account, I will send you the CD. It is not automatic but still simple.


Quote from: Sharkkb8 on Saturday 31 July 2021, 04:59little-known composers that can peak the interest from time to time.

Oops.  Should have written "pique the interest".  My Junior High School English teacher would be aghast.   :o  ::)

Gareth Vaughan

Well, this is all very well, but when I click on the blinking DIGITAL sign nothing happens!

Mark Thomas

See the message Ilja received and copied in his message above, Gareth. You pay them via PayPal, and presumably (?) email them to tell them why. They then (somehow) transfer the digital download to you. It's horribly clunky and out of the digital ark. If they have a PayPal account then it's the simplest thing in the world to set up PayPal payment button on their website and I can't imagine why they haven't. Seriously unimpressive, but I may give it a try...


At 5€ a shot, I'd suddenly become much more interested in a few of these obscure composers.  Certainly more so than paying 30€ shipping on a couple of cd's, so I for one would appreciate reports from anyone willing to play the guinea pig role and try it out!