Norwegian Opera Overtures on LAWO

Started by Justin, Tuesday 10 August 2021, 22:24

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To be released on August 20th, featuring works by Borgstrøm, Eggen, Elling, Olsen and Thrane. Conducted by Ingar Bergby with the Norwegian National Opera Orchestra.

Alan Howe

Really interesting stuff - thanks for the info.



Very much looking forward to this disc. I was almost going to typeset the Haarklou and Aspestrand overtures when I first chanced by those scores, I've only highest praise for both of them. Haarklou's overture to 'Miklagard' is one with a lot of passion and grace and just excellent orchestral writing, and on the other side of the coin the Aspestrand overture is a thrilling, adventurous rollercoaster ride with a lot of humour and a great sense of dramatic tension (its themes are worked in excellent fashion throughout the piece). I've heard it being said Olsen's Lajla and Elling's Kosakkene are some of the best forgotten Norwegian operas out there. These should really be recorded in their entirety, too.


The whole album is available to listen to on Spotify - a great encouragement to buy a cd of works and composers I was hardly aware of before.

Richard Moss

I've just bought the download version from Presto and really looking forward to an enjoyable listen.  Although their download does not include the booklet, it IS available from the LAWO web-site -

This is yet more tempting 'unknowns' repertoire - goodness knows how much more will come to light (or is already known about and just waiting for a recorded performance).  Whilst I suspect maybe 1-2,000 CDs would include most of the orchestral works (including concertos etc. but not opera or choral or chamber/instrumental works) by the 'well known' composers, that number would probably only be the tip of the iceberg for 'worthwhile' unknowns).

Long may the current downpour of 'unknowns' CDs continue!



Mark Thomas

Thanks for the link to the PDF booklet, Richard - I've also downloaded the tracks, but not listened to them yet.


It's a mixed bag, of course, and I found a couple of the works rather hum-drum. That can't be said for Olsen's rather quirky Lajla Overture (1893), which opens with and features what sounds like one of Vaughan Williams' haunting trumpet calls! The works by Borgstrøm and Eggen are full of character, the latter from 1940 but neo-romantic in style, and - for me - the best items on the disc.