My Personal Musical Event of the Year 2010

Started by Peter1953, Thursday 16 December 2010, 18:03

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I think my musical event of the year would have to be going to Arcadi Volodos's recital in Harrogate at the end of July.  Fantastic stuff - especially his tinkering with the Liszt "Dante" Sonata and an amazing performance of Schumann's Faschingsschwank aus Wien, Op.26.
CD wise, I've discovered the music of Clementi this last year (not just the sonatas, the symphonies are fun too).


I'm under the impression that Clementi's 4 canonical symphonies have come down to us in particularly poor manuscript shape and that neither Casella nor Spada did a fair job at all of preparing editions of them; they await the day (this anyway according to one reviewer in the Musical Times, I think, but at least it seemed a reasoned and erudite - and depressing. -- review of Spada's edition) when some editor will give the manuscripts closer and better attention. Just a caveat- I enjoy them too, but one of these days they may sound even better :)

M. Henriksen

My musical event of 2010 must be when I "discovered" this forum in May.
A merry Christmas to you all!


John H White

If I'm allowed more than one musical event of the year, I think my first would have to be just scraping home in my Grade I Cello exam. Number 2 would be the kind donation by another forum member of a CD recorded off air of Franz Lachner's splendid String Quintet in C minor which in turn inspired me to copy out the score, which I already had, into Noteworthy notation software for uploading to the Internet at the Noteworthy Scriptorium. Thirdly, my getting to grips with Sibelius 6 software, acquired on special offer towards the end of 2009, so that I was able to copy out some of my own music into it and make reasonably realistic CDs to the annoyance of the two forum members whose terrestrial addresses I know.


Audience member : Getting 2 3rds of the way through my own Mahler symphony cycle 1,2,3,4,5,8, thanks in no small part to the Proms.
CD collector: Buying all the Naxos Hovhaness discs.
Participator: Starting to make up for 40 wasted (non!)singing years by being just about competent enough to take part in my first ever concert - Verdi Requiem. Now follow that (me not you !).