Francisco Calés Pina, Symphonies 1-2

Started by Ilja, Tuesday 07 September 2021, 13:03

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terry martyn

Pleased to report that the CD has emerged from the Spanish postal labyrinths which could have been constructed by that bureaucrat sans pareil, Philip II. And received a happy thumbs up from Cezanne.,

Alan Howe

terry martyn

This is highly-coloured and atmospheric music from someone who obviously knew his Massenet.  Reference was made to hints of Respighi, whose music is a taste I have yet to acquire, so I tried listening to The Pines of Rome immediately after hearing the second symphony of Cales in case I might see some resemblance and rethink my disapprobation. I think I will stick to what I like, and fortunately these two symphonies are nether lush nor brash ,but attractive and cohesive. The label deserves every congratulation, as both symphonies are a real find.